This simply isn’t true. FF on Android is fine and allows you to use tons of extensions for far more things than ad blocking, such as the wonderful Consent-O-Matic that automatically deals with cookie popups for you. Huge timesaver on mobile.
This simply isn’t true. FF on Android is fine and allows you to use tons of extensions for far more things than ad blocking, such as the wonderful Consent-O-Matic that automatically deals with cookie popups for you. Huge timesaver on mobile.
Yes, please. Would be nice to have a life again.
Which is easily disproved as people started having long covid long before we had vaccines.
Not sure what you have against minimum wage, it works well in other countries (I’m from the Netherlands). Obviously it doesn’t solve everything by itself, but it’s definitely a valuable part of a range of measures to treat people fairly. It’s a fantasy that everyone can be educated to a level above minimum wage.
Kernel panics are pretty rare though, I’ve had a lot more bluescreens than kernel panics in my life. If you want to criticise Linux for being complicated go right ahead but implying that it’s unstable is a really weird take IMHO.
I’ve had it for a couple of months now. Sure, it sucks, and I can’t work currently, but I’d much rather have this than die though. This will pass (almost everyone gets better in a couple of years max), death is rather final. Also, don’t kid yourself about the people that had COVID but don’t experience long covid. Many of them have permanent changes to their body too, they just don’t know it.
That’s not true, “regular” Li-ion batteries have become tremendously cheaper and have increased their capacity by a lot in the past decade. The next jump in their capacity is about 50% more again, and it’s already being previewed by the big battery manufacturers. They’re not going to be cheap though.
I’m now pondering hooking mine up to a BBQ somehow…