Sure, except there’s estimated 50 million people worldwide currently enslaved. So outlawing this shit hasn’t really done that much sadly considering there’s now more people enslaved than ever.
How big were the full size ones?
(Also does snyone know wtf are these even called, so I can look it up?)
Are bandanas a trend again? Not really professional attire tbh but gen z is full of surprises.
Like Sikh turbans and Emerati ghutra? Yeah, I wonder too.
I would love so much to see headscarves and hair wraps become a trend just to fuck with this law.
So are headscarves for non-religious women going to be banned too? What about other modest clothing?
This did not need to have a racist caricature
Engevita Nutritional Yeast has B12 right on the front of the packaging. It’s the most common brand in the UK. We’re not in the EU anymore sadly but it’s been the most common brand (only brand really) here for well over a decade now.
That’s not Voldemort, it’s an AbOrTeD FeTuS
Ah, I was wondering if it was a brand nane like ‘Jello’ or something.
So canned cranberry sauce is slightly granular? Or is the sorbet comparison just taste-wise? Kinda want to try this now tbh, I’m getting curious.
What’s ‘sorbe’? I looked it up and was getting a jacket brand and sorbet in my results.
I’ve spent too long on tumblr and mentally added a fifth panel with the crotch lit up, for the monster fucker fandom.
Cranberry sauce is traditional here with christmas meals and stuff, but that canned stuff just looks obscene. Ours tends to be home made or come in glass jars, and it has a jam like consistency.
It’s funny how this name stuck in places where this flavour profile was popular before starbucks released their drink. It used to be called ‘winter spices’ or just ‘spiced’ in the uk.
We don’t traditionally eat pumpkin pies here and for too long I thought the name implied the drink tasted like pumpkin and avoided it.
Why is it offensive?
(Not trying to call you out btw, I’m just curious as I’ve seen people using that word in this context of ‘being seen’ a lot, and I don’t get it.)
Don’t stab the messenger, I didn’t make the rules.