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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • most of the people making that type of comment are just going “oh no, that’s what the kids are into so it’s Bad”.

    I’ve seen almost none of that, so no idea where you’re getting that from. Most people are against it because either a) China b) it known to cause mental issues and decrease patience or c) spying. No one gives a fuck about what kids are into.

  • “No one supports it” because support doesn’t just happen overnight. These things happen slowly. Same way they did with jpg and png.

    Sure, part of the “better” is the audiophile “better quality” thing. But the major point is that it’s objectively a better compression. Which means less data needs to be transfered, which means things go faster. Sure people claim they “don’t notice” an individual image loading, but you rarely load one image, and image loading is often the bulk of the transfer. If we can drop that by 30%, not only does your stuff load 30% faster, but EVERYONE does, which means whoever is serving you the content can serve MORE people more frequently. Realistically, it’s actually a greater than 30% improvement because it also gets other people “out of your way” since they aren’t hogging the “pipes” as long.

  • Ottomateeverything@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlPlane goes brrrr
    1 year ago

    Labeling this as “cope” is just straight slander against vegetarianism. Most people who are vegetarian don’t expect “it’s going to change the world” so there’s no “coping” to be had with the fact that it’s not.

    Vegetarianism choices can be based in health, ethics, not wanting to support mega corps, dislike of the taste, environmental impact, among other things. “it’s going to save us from climate change in light of everything else going on in the world” is a tiny clueless subset of just ONE of those rationales.

    Vegeterianism isn’t “hopeless” or “cope” unless you’re delusional enough to believe that everyone doing so would instantly solve our problems. Sure, some people think if everyone did it, it would make a difference, but very few think it’d fix all our problems.

  • This year was also Diablo 4. And they have been driving that one further and further into the ground. The OW2 lore shit is another turd on the pile. Dragonflight is continuing a “more of the same but we told it’d be different” trend, but is honestly their smallest fuck up in a list of fuck ups.

    Was HotS dying last year? OW1 was basically on life support for the past two years in order to support the OW2 fiasco so I feel like that should count as it’s own entity… Once we’re into last year, there’s Diablo Immoral

    The list goes on.

  • I am well aware that my assumptions are probably wrong

    No, no, this is entirely accurate. It’s just that the Linux-a-boos would love to tell you otherwise. But it’s all a bunch of circle jerking. The people who are willing to deal with that and have already dived need justification and will tell you it’s simple.

    Sure, some distros are a bit more hands off and “works out of the box”. But you still have to find the box. And figure out how to open the box. And figure out how to get it out of the box. And then it just works. Until it doesn’t.

    It’s not as hard as it used to be, but anyone telling you “any normie can just do it and never look back” is full of shit. It still has its hurdles and you’ll still be occasionally troubleshooting your own PC. Most people don’t want that. But the people who do are already running Linux.