I’m a weeb girl who’s fringe in a lot of ways. Please excuse my weird beliefs, I don’t bite :3

Political views: far left economics (socialism), conservative/traditional social views. I’m an ex-atheist, turned christian gnostic. I’m happy to chat. No hate, just pursuit of truth and proper living.

Hobbies/Interests: weebshit (anime/manga/japan), video games, romhacking, ai/tech, girly cute pink stuff, politics/religion is fun. I like the occult and conspiracy stuff too.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • IA blog. There’s an ongoing court case. What has happened is that IA has a digital book lending service. Typically they restrict loaning to 1-user per physical book, which is the norm for digital book lending. However, at one point during the pandemic, IA did a “crisis library” event for a day or two in which they allowed infinitely many people to download/loan a book despite only having one or two copies. Publishers who own the copyright on those books then pursued a copyright violation case against IA, which has now put the entire library in jeopardy.

    Theoretically, this case should only affect the digital book lending side of their library, but it may end up shutting down their service and library as a whole depending on how the court case goes. There’s been a lot of efforts by companies and governments to shut down IA, so they’d always been very cautious about their operations.

    IA’s big legal issues stem from their novel ‘web archive’, and their digital book lending. They’ve also been host to roms of old software/games that may still fall under copyright. Philosophically, IMO IA did nothing wrong. However, their crisis library event did violate copyright law which kinda put them under the microscope.

    Theoretically the web archive service and general digital archives of old public domain content should be safe. But we’ll have to see how things go.

  • I have the onyx boox nova air c which has a stylus and color e ink screen. I don’t really use it for drawing though. The colors are pretty limited (think a faded old timey comic book). But the stylus response is good. I haven’t tried drawing apps but I can run pretty much any android app on it.

    I mostly use it for reading manga/webcomics, typing books, and reading. I’ve got it loaded up with a some Latin dictionaries so I can use it for language learning. The nova air c is an older model so maybe the color screen is better on the new ones lol.

    The color is nice, but for serious artists I can’t imagine the nova air c is sufficient.