That’s what you get for being anti-dishware
Pro tip; keep an umbrella in the corner, pop it open and set it upside down on the turlet before you flush
No, it’s not on you, that’s against the rules now
The ol strawman
I know right? Like how hearing aids are designed to be held a foot and a half from the head. These people need to be more sensitive
I didn’t say they controlled the house, I described what they do when they control the house.
Do pay attention to the complexities of the English language, it’s really worth it :-P
The most confusing thing to me is how Democrats can have majorities in the House and POTUS and their agenda gets inched along but the second Republicans have that their agenda gets rammed through asap.
Is that a misconception? It certainly seems that Republicans make much more aggressive and active use of their power.
Yeah this meme is ass. If it makes anyone feel better, in Canada we have five parties that fail us instead of just two. The advantage there is we get to complain with more granularity. It’s the uncommon lose-lose-lose-lose-lose!
So the chicken crossed the road to get to the currency exchange?
Still waiting for Mindhunter… Guess I’ll wait forever
Melatonin is fine from time to time when my sleep schedule is fucked in all directions and I want to regulate.
NyQuil front time to time when I feel a cold coming on.
Nothing wrong with that. If you find that you need them to sleep that’s likely not correct. They don’t typically work fast enough to put you to sleep. They only ensure your sleep is better if there are extenuating circumstances
Someday in the distant future, somebody will uncover this exchange, and wish they hadn’t
That woooshed me pretty hard :-)