I wish my country was this much into Halloween, also I wish it happened during autumn here too.
5 eyes panopticon hater.
I wish my country was this much into Halloween, also I wish it happened during autumn here too.
>Formerly Chuck’s.
You can vote as long as you vote for my favourite option.
I do not care about the actor at all, I would have played the Japanese dub anyways, what I do care about is Sakai, after teasing us at the end of Ghost of Tsushima about Mongols in China and the Ghost’s name spreading there they come and do this? I will wait for Jin’s next game, if there isn’t one then I’m not playing. Simple as.
Maybe if you have one of the fancy ones, I have a shower bidet and it is absolute trash.
My only transport related problem is my bicycle’s front derailer, I’m so close to tearing the whole thing off and staying on the second chainring.
Very goose looking.
Not all countries use these kind of services.
If she breathes, she’s a Θώθ!
God gives his tastiest beers to his drunkest drivers.
Oh right! At least one per month, beeswax or petroleum based for you? I preferred beeswax, the vanilla flavoured one smelled so good I wanted to kiss myself.
All the triptans are great, all expensive as fuck, fortunately effervescent paracetamol works better for me than any triptan.
>Btw Isn’t isotretinoin for acne? Do you need a prescription for it?
Yes and yes. Prescription like every 6 months and blood tests to check if my liver doesn’t want to kill me for treating it so bad. But I have the skin of a Korean model and my hair has 0 grease now, it’s great.
Lmao imagine trying with amoxicillin, you could have the biggest diarrhea in history.
20 mg isotretinoin, 1g effervescent paracetamol, oh yeah, it’s hepatitis time.
I remember that my neurologist said there is no analgesic that can help with my migraines and I should just take the meds as soon as I can or face a week of suffering, but I can’t just take them every time I think it could be it so I just gamble my productivity for the week.
Wasn’t it Al Pacino falling for Jill? And I think Jill was Adam’s sister or something like that.
Non-furry here to say that I really don’t care, it’s just drawings.
Unless you speak a tongue with gendered objects, for me all soft drinks are female.