Well if I wanted to be seduced by Jacque Clouseau, I’d just watch the movie. The man has PRESENCE.
Well if I wanted to be seduced by Jacque Clouseau, I’d just watch the movie. The man has PRESENCE.
Those of us that know now remove as much of her equipment as possible before it happens. I like to think the girl now knows it’s coming too, or is deeply concerned about being asked to go into battle with her starting gear again
Vote left and feel complicit, to a degree, for that candidates’ policies related to Palestine. Vote right (or not at all) and feel complicit in further violence AND reduction in LGBT+ protections in my home country.
Yep, I made my choice in ‘wasting’ my vote. Crazy to me when people think not voting will get politicians to suddenly seek out their policies, when instead they’ll just shift further to the right to capture politically active voters across the aisle.
Do you (presumed non-voter) feel responsible for any of what was just shot through executive orders today?
Do i want to sell all my worldly possessions for one more chance at a chromed out Common joker? No. Will I? Yes
Danny Trejo describes being on his films as a kind of family reunion for a lot of Latino actors and actresses
Endorsing a candidate or a party places an additional seal of approval on the actions and beliefs of that candidate/party. There’s a difference between saying “between ham or fish, I pick fish” and “I believe fish is the right choice for everyone, fish has qualities that I myself would like to emulate and believe in”.
She’s a pop singer who seemingly upset a lot of internet people (but not many real people) for saying “yeah, I’m voting for Kamala, but I won’t endorse her because the democratic party hasn’t done enough for the LGBTQ or minority groups and I’m not keen on the Israel support thing”
Ita not about cool, I think the intent was more ‘Spotify Premium to get on the go access to all of my music’ being akin to the additional equipment used by the shooter on the left, versus the ‘youtube to mp3 converter because free’ being bereft of all bells and whistles and equipment on the right.
Also…you could have gotten the joke and I’m overexpla8ning, one of the two.
So it’s implied that the entwives (if I remember correctly) live near the shire. They say the trees in the deeper parts move, and some even speak.
Of course, in the books, the shire is decimated and attacked, and similar to the other commenter I believe this is another example of the magic leaving the world of middle earth.
There must be people with great ideals, someone who will choose the high road as often as possible. Just as there must be people who know that the system cannot change from within, that it must be torn apart and began anew.
I like the concept, minus the real life examples of Magneto-minded dictators and violent revolutionaries. I think having that balance gives the average person, the reader, the opportunity to see the places where an idealist fails and where an extremist goes too far and how to walk a path closer to the middle.
This is the best I can do for a picture, but yeah, things are named fun things all the time. Have you ever heard of Francium?
When graph goes down, it looks kind of like a grizzly bear from the side profile, when graoh goes up, it looks like big bulls horns
Bear market is when the market has traditionally been (for the duration of the observers data) in a downtrend and a bull market is the opposite.
That they make way worse in the very next game
What does roguelike mean to you?
The most confused but based Ally I’ve ever met
If it’s the ones pictures above, they’re actually really decent at keeping things cold/hot, not overpriced at all at their performance. This guy I follow does a lot of weird shot for shot tests and tumblers were one of them.
No, that’s a window. Malcom isn’t in this shot
2023 so rough and the headlines so wild I actually needed the /s
Commending your humanity, friend. It’s hard to see the problems that people like the homeless can cause in our day to day and not feel reproachful or angry. Even if I know the reason, and can empathize with the situation, it doesn’t make the interactions any less jarring or frustrating when they’re clearly in need or more assistance than they’re getting and that lack is harming them AND the community they need to rely on for survival.
Can anyone familiar with veganism answer me a curiosity?
Would someone who’s vegan be fine with owning their own chickens and using them for eggs? If you’re not engaging in the marketplace for them, you can absolve yourself of the suffering egg laying hens in factory farms could be experiencing, but I’m not sure how the ‘suffer free because I raised them’ plays into the belief/practice.