oh yes the standard reply.
Rs actively tearing it down like in Alaska
Ds putting forth a bill to do it but only started by three of them this time around
“both sides are the same!”
love his videos they’re somehow both hilarious and super catchy
how did you make this meme and miss your chance for “kalmala”
for shame
I basically stopped buying men’s deodorant because my wife bought some dove cucumbery thing and when mine was out I borrowed it once.
never went back lol
I guess I don’t understand that point of view, not only doesn’t that make life easier for us but it also makes it actively worse for them and for the relationships they’re involved in if they are not engaging as a real partner.
why would I wish that on someone else?
it always just makes me feel kind of sad and awkward
like sometimes my wife will get off the phone after having some long and serious seeming conversation with a friend of hers and thank me like it’s some big accomplishment for basic things like doing the dishes and spending time with our kids.
The bar is low guys we got to step this shit up.
I need to know where you got that awesome picture for my cosmic horror TTRPG sessions lol
yeah my VR headset is a couple years old as well and not the highest quality it’s the Odyssey.
I guess I practice good enough gaming lol.
1070ti gang here. no problems playing anything on medium/high.
I don’t do 4k though but VR is fine.
love the mostly unchanged count dooku