This is the highest resolution of this picture I’ve ever seen.
This is the highest resolution of this picture I’ve ever seen.
Damn dude. Is your life really so pathetic that you are honestly deriving please from bad news being delivered to people who are on the opposite side of a fucking web browser debate? That’s sad. I hope things start looking up for you in the future.
“You mean I hitched my wagon to Grabthor The Wagon Destroyer, and he destroyed my wagon? This is an outrage!”
Bloom County was so great.
Or instead of targeting tiktok specifically, they could have chosen to pass a data privacy law and actually did something worthwhile instead of pointless, unpopular grandstanding. Haha just kidding, they would never do anything to reduce even slightly shareholder value.
NYT has been around since before the civil war.
I’ll let you have a guess what their stance on slavery was. They always have punched left.
“Emancipation, whenever it comes, must be the work of the Slave States themselves. They must adopt it from a conviction of its necessity to their own well-being.”
deleted by creator
LLMs are bad for the uses they’ve been recently pushed for, yes. But this is legitimately a very good use of them. This is natural language processing, within a narrow scope with a specific intention. This is exactly what it can be good at. Even if does have a high false negative rate, that’s still thousands and thousands of true positive cases that were addressed quickly and cheaply, and that a human auditor no longer needs to touch.
An environmental posadist. Not a stance I’ve normally seen. Imo, if nothing came out of deep water horizon, there’s no oil accident big enough to matter.
Transocean received an early partial insurance settlement for total loss of the Deepwater Horizon of US$401 million about 5 May 2010.[60] Financial analysts noted that the insurance recovery was likely to be more than the value of the rig (although not necessarily its replacement value) and any liabilities – the latter estimated at as much as US$200 million.
If only there were other things that a person could do outside of voting once every four years to participate in the political process.
Hey, look at that. It’s the inevitable consequence of the game theory of first past the post voting. Voting system reform is my #1 issue, and if you actually care about the fact that “99% of voters” are locked into voting for someone they dislike to avert disaster every 4 years, it should be yours as well.
There is no meaningful future for third parties until and unless this occurs. IRV is a good first step, but Score voting is better. Multimember districts are also important. Getting rid of the electoral college is a no-brainer.
No one tell OP that the ml in is for Marxist Leninists.
Too bad you’ll never receive that option from any manufacturer.
The scam is that they are actually doing the work, getting paid well
Listen. I know that there are some really shitty stuff going on in North Korea, and very real threats that their government is capable of, and it sucks for the people living there who have to do this work under threat of death.
But if you say that “the scam” is they’re doing work and receiving full pay for work done, I’m going to make fun of you. Oh no, someone outside of the West did work and was slightly less exploited by capital than usual in the process. Horror upon horror.
Most recently, other than Trump, George HW Bush lost the election while incumbent. Prior to that it was Jimmy Carter.
The next most recent person to win the election but lose the popular vote was George W Bush, prior to that is was Harrison back in 1888.
A human made the graph
You may already know this, but Xonotic was forked from Nexiuz after the original code owner sold the GPLed code to some publisher to make a for pay game.
To be fair, the last time I saw this image was probably either in the 90s or early 2000s