Got a coworker on my team who is type 4. He’s the glue that holds the team together, nobody knows anywhere as much as he does.
If he ever leaves, the whole team is screwed and the project is dead in the water.
Here’s the full article if you’re interested:
We cannot accept capitalism’s conception of economic relations as “free and private,” because contracts are not made among economic equals and because they give rise to social structures which undemocratically confer power upon some over others. Such relationships are undemocratic in that the citizens involved have not freely deliberated upon the structure of those institutions and how social roles should be distributed within them (e.g., the relationship between capital and labor in the workplace or men and women in child rearing). We do not imagine that all institutional relations would wither away under socialism, but we do believe that the basic contours of society must be democratically constructed by the free deliberation of its members.
For now that’s the case. But if there ever becomes a time when life outside of prison means starving to death, dying in a heat wave or storm, it won’t matter.
People still have things to lose. But people are losing things.
A name to rally behind is good, regardless of if it is Luigi or The Adjuster
Sure. But my whole point is that we’re headed in that direction.
I think you’ve misunderstood. I’m talking about the choice that people make when these effects start happening, not a choice now. Of course most people aren’t opting to get violent yet, there backs aren’t yet against the wall.
It very well could be the rest of your life in both cases.
For now. Give it a few decades when the effects of climate change start forcing people out of their homes, cause widespread crop failure, kill thousands with heatwaves and storms, etc.
If you’re choice is between
More and more people will choose option 2.
They also aren’t helpful against improvised explosive drones.
Sounds like reasonable doubt.
It was a wake up call for execs to quit their bullshit. It was a wake up call for the working class to band together.
And there is still a very slim chance he gets acquitted/a not guilty verdict.
The conditions that caused this event haven’t gone away. And all of the school shooter types have just been taught that you will be widely regarded as a folk hero for shooting an exec, so they may opt to change their targets for the better. We will probably see more exec shooters.
A ceo*
His political affiliation is a distraction that ultimately only serves to hurt us. Even if it is him that they caught, he did a good thing.
Asking nicely for them to stop killing people hasn’t and will never work.