I have a feeling you’d say the same thing if you looked in the bag
I have a feeling you’d say the same thing if you looked in the bag
I believe that is actually a singular sunglass
It’s naturally mint flavored
No? Italicized yes? The choice is yours, let the votes sort out the winner
It ends up prescribed commonly in the US too, which may make some difference in the price depending on insurance, though from what I hear anectdotally unfortunately not often for OTC meds. Truthfully idk because we don’t have time to memorize that additional, inconsistent, constantly-changing layer of bureaucracy on the US healthcare shit-sandwich. Safety-net hospitals usually have people whose whole job is to help with stuff like this though
I hope it’s a deliberate team effort that you have exactly 12 upvotes right now
As long as we’re being pedantic, I take issue with your “never.”
The feet have invigorated their jerking, they haven’t the time nor inclination to type at a time like this
How many hectares per tank of kerosene does that baby get?