With a shitty plot. The anime version is a philosophical book, with a lot of interesting references, the movie is a corporation bad trope.
It is a really shitty movie that removes the philosophical part , the real interesting meaning of the anime, to be replaced by a corporation bad shitty trope.
Ghost in the shell movie doesn’t exist
You are right, taxes are a part of the problem. Home scarcity and the fact that real estate is THE asset are another thing
The tax bracket is for the landlord, if the landlord pay 0.4% , you pay 0.4%.
The problems is that if you live in an house you rent, you have to pay indirectly full property tax. Cause you aren’t living in a property you own.
I have seen the amount paid in property taxes in USA via Zillow and… It is HUGE. No surpries that rents are so high. Rent have to cover minimum taxes, maintenance and part of house value. These expenses set the minimum value of a rent. But why you have so high property taxes? Cause enterprieses and billionaires don’t pay taxes and cause they put their huge capitals also in real estate, raising the prices. The problem is that real estate is a right ( house ), but also an asset.
Vim with a minimal preference file, but sometimes vim only, i don’t like vi cause it lacks syntax highlighting
I dislike the graphical interface. Console helps me to be more productive.
I develop only in vim, i find it way better that any modern gui.
Oops a typo and i’m an idiot… Uk is a part of europe geographically. Culturaly speaking… Less and less.
No, please no, stop UK from joining europe.
Banning american propaganda from european society?
Btw, americans worried about a serial killer make me wonder. On the other site i see thousands of upvotes for the best/big kiilling of an american enemy…
I’m not american, i’m italian, so i don’t share most of your culture. With this premise i want to express my cultural shock when i see americans joining the person personal life from his ideas. A lot of historial figures were horrible people, even for their times ( see Caravaggio ) , but this is a different thing from their ideas. More i read american POV , more i think that you have an huge problem with free speech ( i mean accepting different POV ). Success as a superpower it is not: other people are totaly dumb. And this problem it is not left/right, but really common. Btw: ted k. has some interesting points, but it is not the TRUTH, as everything. One person has a brain and can read and judge everything, other people are more or less smart as we are so they cannot tell me what to read or what to think.
Usa left ( the liberal one ) it is not the same thing as the classical ( socialist/communist ) left. Liberals are a product of the capitalism. North Korea is a socialist country.
Btw: never seen so many downvotes as in american theads. ( left and right ) you have really an huge hivemind.
Liberal meme*
The classic left is different
Infant mortality doesn’t change the numbers a lot. North Korea have a much better demography than South Korea. Modern capitalism destroy the populations the embrace it.
You need a doctor, not otherwise.