True I was sitting inside by myself without friends before it was cool.
True I was sitting inside by myself without friends before it was cool.
Yeah, but they’re on the same side, and it isn’t ours…
The “lanes” are the sets of tire tracks from the car in front of you that you try to stay in so your car doesn’t suddenly fishtail.
It’s crazy how much more you can get done in one calm uninterrupted hour than in a whole very active afternoon.
Congratulations, you are now an “early riser.” Enjoy the hours from 4-6 am where nothing happens and nobody bothers you (unless you have kids…)
Why would I unload my emotional baggage on the people who caused it in the first place? That just sounds like more baggage.
Edit: This was supposed to be a joke. You can stop pointing out my complex trauma, thank you.
I’ve never met the man, and have done little to no business with him, but in my experience if you do a lot of work some people are going to complain about it, and only the pissiest of them would go out of their way to inscribe a tablet about it. Nobody is putting that effort into “went fine, no complaints.”
Ea-nāṣir’s reputation may be the earliest victim of survivorship bias.
Based on my experiences in customer service and just seeing online reviews in general, I have strong doubts about the accuracy of the complaint.
They’ll switch back to the normal can soon enough…with the raised price, so they can do it again…
Them making you wait is also often a consequence of earlier patients showing up late or an appointment requiring more time than expected.
The options to solve it are less patients per day, but that leads to even longer delays before you even get to your appointment date, OR more professional staff in the office…but that would cut into profits of the people in charge so is immediately off the table in this damned money world.
iirc he made best friends with Robot Schwarzenegger, and really wanted to bang Robot Summer Glau. So maybe stop with the hypocritical judgment, John.
Ok. Bankers first.
Jokes on you humanity, hitting ‘no’ is just another data point that they can use to compare you to millions of other people and use the aggregate data to predict what you’re probably going to do anyway.
Won’t somebody think of the children!?
How else are they supposed to discover their obscure fetishes?
I don’t see any links to the referenced study and it looks like they are comparing current parts of England to current parts of Germany that were once part of the Soviet East Berlin as opposed to comparing current day England to occupied Germany.
And in 2020, German areas also had twice as many railway stations per 100,000 people as matching English areas.
I mean…if you consider baking a plain chicken breast and mixing a protein shake to be cooking, then I agree.
It seems very easy to change the future in unintended ways, and much less easy to change it in expected ways.
Sorry, but there’s a whole trial to get through and he’s very pretty. He’s probably gonna be around for a while…