kbin/mbin shows “reputation points,” which is a combination of post and comment votes.
I have no idea what it means.
kbin/mbin shows “reputation points,” which is a combination of post and comment votes.
I have no idea what it means.
Edited the above recently, you might not see it yet.
This is the channel, but for some reason I am not seeing the original build video for this one.
He’s a fun one if you like these channels. He does a lot of “decorative” stuff that I very much like.
If someone needs to watch the video this is from, I can probably find it after this real stupid meeting I’m in.
I am only disappointed that the shirt doesn’t now read “WWNP”.
Me at 30 years old: Thinks I’m “grown up”
How could I not?
My experience with this one dog says that simplicity, consistency, and immediate reinforcement with rewards are absolutely necessary. We watched a whole lot of puppy training videos before bringing him home, they all said essentially the same thing.
I have also come to know that in the early training process, if the dog even barely does what you want, treat shower. You’re not only training them “how to do the thing,” but that “this is how training works.”
Arlo knows lots of words now, and lots of body language. Most of his communication to us is in the form of body language, and it can be very subtle. On the super obvious side, he has a mat/blanket in his crate, and he wants it to be straight in there. If it’s not, he’ll turn circles inside the crate for “fix it.” Or if we say “fix it” first, he’ll turn circles in response. That didn’t require any treat training, because he’s already self-motivated to have the straightening out of his blanket as the “reward.”
Ours has dogtism. He likes everything to be exactly the same every day. “Other people” are outside of that routine. I’m pretty sure that’s why he likes to do tricks for treats so much: because he knows what is expected and he knows what’s going to happen. I think that “packages” have become part of the “routine,” and that “barking until someone comes” is, too.
I’m really glad that I immediately set the rule “don’t lie to the dog.” He gets confused and frustrated when you tell him something (by words or action), he responds how he should to that thing, and then you don’t follow that with your expected behavior.
We’ve got a few different words for “things that go on outside the window.”
These mostly work, though he does still occasionally need help with “neighbors.”
Patch cables are stranded, spool cable is solid. Spool is good for between jacks and patch panels, less good for crimping RJ45 ends onto.
I love International Harvest.
They didn’t let the domain lapse.
The current crop of “leaders” over there don’t have control of the domain, among other things. They knew this was coming, they tried to get hold of the old admins, who are now all MIA. So they started working on migration plans.
Suddenly, one of the old admins reappeared, told them he’d give them all the stuff they needed. So they stopped the migration process.
Old admin kept promising to hand over the keys, but never delivered. Then the domain expired before they were able to move to chapo.chat … which they know has the same problem, so this is going to happen again. With any luck.
But the real draw is having an awesome community and awesome content.
You should do cocaine about it.
And you know you’re gonna change that tune when you’re back on top - back on top in June.
The heart of rock and roll is still beatin’.
In Cleveland.
I hate Illinois tankies.