Man you’re getting worse than the hexbear edgelords who just shit on the liberals all day, except at least they’re yelling at people in power and not some extremely marginal leftists who would be shot before they could ever take a seat in politics.
A good rule of politics is if someone or an ideology that you don’t like and they have no power or connection to power just ignore them, especially if there on your side for 90% of actual relevant issues. Not theoretical issues that may pop up after the revolution that may never come.
Eh, 1.5% on a day isn’t too much to write home about, especially since it’s back up 1% today. If you expand it out to the 4% drop on the past month then it looks a bit worse but not catastrophic. The tarriffs definitely aren’t good for the economy but they’ve been expected for a while and have been priced in. All the big losers on the tariff war took there big hit back in November