Also Chemists: Here’s some plutonium
Also Chemists: Here’s some plutonium
Math is the programming language of the universe and physics is the rule book.
*Cries in industrial controller*
Like 15 years ago if you consider stock market algorithms “robots”.
We’ve always been at war with Eurasia
Czech Republic A4, Czech Republic A5, Czech Republic A6…
Just buy it for ten years. You’re ultimately saving money and it’ll give you more time to incubate your dream!
Just buy it for ten years. You’re ultimately saving money and it’ll give you more time to incubate your dream!
Bluey sets an unrealistic expectation for how much child chef food a parent will eat.
How do I type here?
They didn’t bother to check what the mountain was made of. The answer was granite.
Hates computers but ok
The government is monitoring you!!!
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Calgary has a liquor store in the domestic terminal after security. Not a duty free, a liquor store. Just in case you want a 5th during take off.
People don’t just freewheel with the Legos?