Pepsi Zero is better. Coke Zero started me in the low calorie soda, but I stay for Pepsi.
Pepsi Zero is better. Coke Zero started me in the low calorie soda, but I stay for Pepsi.
Awe… The songs are fake :(
I assume you were trying to reply to me.
In some parts of christian purity culture, specifically for mormons allegedly, they think it’s a big no no to have sex before marriage. They’ve come up with loopholes to avoid actually having sex but come as close to it as possible. Soaking is when you penetrate someone and just let it sit there with no movement. Allegedly on the BYU college campus, it is popular to go “soaking” while a friend of yours jumps on the bed nearby you to create the sensation of motion, this act is called “jump humping”.
If you want to see a parody of sex, just go, Google search “soaking” and “jump humping”. Purity culture ends up in some weird places.
Myrrh at the time was an anointing oil used during burial rights/ preparation, so no.
My kids started school and I had a need to print lots of medical forms and other paperwork, I bought a brother laser printer. Because it was basic and functional and didn’t try to force me into an ink subscription that gave them permission to disable my hardware.
The only reason I miss the midwest.
I wake up some mornings craving a slice of this pizza, but god help you if you go for lunch when they are running some god awful pizza and don’t label it.
Sure, you thought it looked like sausage, but instead you get bacon cheeseburger on a ketchup mustard sauce with pickles hidden under a pound of cheese, hope you don’t have sensory issues!
You can buy the whole pizza in 12 slices for $17 USD, but the slices are smaller, the mega slice in question is legitimately almost a quarter of the pizza, and is priced as an impulse item. I had no problem going by Casey’s on my way into work, buying this plus an extra slice for like 9 dollars and basically eating a half a pizza and getting enough soda for half the day. It isn’t a bad deal actually, and I had QUITE the appetite.
No, it’s hot, with either a milk gravy, or breakfast cheese sauce (think nacho cheese without the sharpness), bacon or breakfast sausage with a bunch of cheese.
I’m assuming the chain that the advert is for is a gas station called Casey’s which is known in the midwestern United States for it’s pizza and other hot food items.
I had limited run CDs that spent their life temperature controlled and out of sunlight and they still had parts of the data layer “rot” away to the point they aren’t listenable at all anymore.
After I found those I started getting records on vinyl instead.
I grew up on RuneScape and BBC programming, so I’ve been exposed to both formats for a long time (really fucked me up in spelling). I couldn’t say why August 9th sounds more natural, but it’s probably because most irl folks around me use it. The 9th of August didn’t sound bad, just more artificial, and it’s probably because my exposure to that spoken out was mostly media and pop culture.
I keep a place for everything, and everything in its place. My download folder is cleaned regularly, usually right when I download the file I move it to it’s appropriate place. Sometimes it still fills up with old installers or what have you, if it is a hard to get installer like for old devices, old games, or niche hardware I store it in a safe place on my encrypted cloud, otherwise if it is new software or frequently updated I just delete it after I’m done.
If it’s a file I want sorted by date the top is good. If I am talking about a date and spelling it out August the 9th of 2023 makes the most sense and seems natural, and if it’s a personal memo or date label on food I just use 08/09 with the zeros so I know it isn’t a fraction unless it’s frozen or shelf stable for long term storage where the year would be useful to know at which point it becomes 8/9/23
I thought everybody used different date formats based on need.
They simplify it so much it becomes less practical.
Yeah. My habit and instinct as someone who understands file trees is to open somewhere like Downloads then use the go up one directory button to home, but windows doesn’t want to do that, it basically acts as a back button in that instance and dumps you back to the recents window.
I feel like I’ll never have the perfect setup because I’m too opinionated to want to deal with windows, and have too many niche games and software that were coded like shit to run well in wine or proton (like Kingdom Hearts 1+2 on PC that switches renderer for video cutscenes and break the compatibility layer. Who wants to play a Disney JRPG without the cutscenes and videos?).
The one that bugs me is that they don’t have a “Home” link by default on the explorer sidebar. When I first install windows I add it, but when I have to help someone else for some reason and have to go to the home directory the easiest way to do it is to go through “This PC”>C:>Users>[Name] then try to find what they are looking for. Why not just open that location at default instead of the nebulous “everything you’ve ever used or interacted with”? Half the time it’s full of garbage or one off files they have no interest in reviewing but are too afraid to delete.
Better yet, why not auto sort web downloads based on file extensions to their relevant home folder? I had that setup on a Linux box for a minute and I legit miss it.
Sorry about that. Self love comes from within too. Everybody’s road to self acceptance is different. I started mine about three years ago when I took way too many shrooms and had a mind blowing experience where I realized I hated my body, but didn’t really understand why, so I spent an unknown amount of time coming up with things I appreciate about my body, like my muscle memory when typing or other small things. It sent me on a long journey that led me to discover why I have had such a strong disconnect with myself.
I don’t necessarily suggest you do that yourself, as you can really Fuck up your psyche, and you don’t really get to choose what lesson you’ll learn or what kind of experience you’ll have.
Ideally an individual would be able to experience that guided by a mental health professional for safety and to keep you focused on something productive.
I hope you can find some things to appreciate about yourself, because the things you focus on are the things that will drive you or drag you, and we can be our own hardest critic.
Well, there are a few things that could be. Maybe you like to dress that way, maybe you like to express yourself more feminine but identify as a man, maybe you are a trans woman who is a lesbian.
I have a feeling that you have some soul searching to do either way, as those answers come from within.
That would make sense, thanks for the explanation.
See, this demonstrates the oppression inherent in the system, only people with economic freedom and the means to bring their own pencil to the ballot box are able to choose to eat ass or silica.