You are misunderstanding my comment, by no means I support Hamas or attacks on civilians. I see both sides equally flawed and guilty of genocide, there are no good guys in the equation except maybe a small progressive subclass of jews that work for a two state solution based on healing and mutual understanding.
My stream of thought is more directed to the cause of how men get radicalized enough to be able to commit such acts of violence.
But for me it’s totally clear and logical why Palestinians see the eradication of Israeli settlers as part of their war. It is wrong though.
Just how I understand why Israel is bombing the living fuck out of Gaza, makes sense, it’s just also wrong.
He may had a problem with this specific one. And I don’t believe it’s about satisfaction, more about what he had to do.
He wrote deny, defend, depose onto the bullet casings.
Also this sends a message that may motivate others to stand up against the system.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” John F. Kennedy