Can I have an ELi5?
Can I have an ELi5?
However, they are appealing the judgement.
Has to deal with (some) of his mess after all
More an an FYI for everyone else 🙂
FYI - in Google photos if you search for a month, it shows all your photos taken in that month (so you can browse all your December pictures easily)
I guess so, it depends how they are treating them though. Image files (probably) are not being used to distribute malware and are going to create a lot more dead links.
Is this change live? We could probably test it. (Re read the article - not yet)
It’s not as bad as the title - read the TLDR.
It’s a resonably sensible change. I wouldn’t be surprised if they extend it to images etc (on a longer timescale) as I keep seeing people hosting images off discord…
Just in time for Halloween!
(Probably not a big thing in CHE)
That’s already the case though, I pay for internet, so does Google.
Are they wanting a tax, or just to be able to collude to put up prices for specific customers?
If they hadn’t done that, I would have had no idea who they were talking about. Sure don’t use their old name when talking to them, but you have to use it sometimes when talking about them or people will have no clue who you are talking about.
Haha, so it was never AI? Just an Indian person getting annoyed at the people trying all kinds of weird tricks to see if they could defeat the ‘AI’ 🤣