I actually love that channel lol. A friend showed it to me a while ago and it is performance art (in the jerma985 sense).
I’m the Never Ending Pie Throwing Robot, aka NEPTR.
Linux enthusiast, programmer, and privacy advocate. I’m nearly done with an IT Security degree.
TL;DR I am a nerd.
I actually love that channel lol. A friend showed it to me a while ago and it is performance art (in the jerma985 sense).
It is recommended for activists, but it really can be for anyone. It is basically just Android and your grandmother could daily drive it about as well as any other Android OS. It’s solid, security hardened, gives extra security toggles, and extends device longevity past being made ewaste by EOL. I was hesitant at first to use it, especially given its cult-ish community, but it really has “just worked”.
Look again. Reverse the numbers and you get 2102. Feel old yet? Look again.
I was just kidding. I know that no one uses that in common conversation, but it’d be funny of everyone went around saying the standard by its identifier.
Ah yes, ISO8601. Just rolls of the tongue, doesn’t it?
Femboys are odd
Double the pool, but they’ll still have zero chance because 0 * 2 = 0. Such is the life of a bi
length(“s/he”) == length(“they”)
It also just sounds awkward to say he/she
While I haven’t had to deal with much of the bad .ml users, I had a long comment thread with some conservative guy who got so mad he changed his bio to say “after the last experience, proudly homophobic”. I reported it to the admins of the instance and they didnt ban even after all that shit.
Then who is to blame? I like to blame the English wherever possible.
I totally forgot about that song (and Mr. Soot for that matter)
I do agree. This is nice but I feel it looks repetitive because it shows up right next the community tittle, so it looks like “196 196”. Idk what else to say. Maybe this icon could be in the banner? I just love that people be posting their art.
What is the fermented garlic added for? Could you substitute it for black salt? Just curious.
My initial comment was directly responding to you asking for help. Since I don’t know any better way to help you I went to advice. My intention was share to the basics of what helped me regain some stability in my life, whereas I think I came across as cold/fake. I wasn’t trying to minimize or suggest that you are supposed to be “fixed”, I wanted to make sure I covered all bases for what I thought were impactful when experiencing anxiety/depression/abuse. I mentioned hobbies, friends, social safety net, online or local resources, groups, and professional.
I was working under the assumption that you had no resources because I thought it would be the best way to respond quickly without waiting to ask questions like “do you have a therapist?” I get that it is annoying to get the similar redundant advice. I didn’t read the full comment section because my anxiety started spiking. I am sorry that I contributed to that.
The way I deal with abuse is to harden my shell and make sure to reduce any chances of getting hurt. Avoidance to the max. I sucks to feel hurt, but it is impossible to avoid it all.
My words were sincerely my attempt at advice. What drove me to respond in the first place was reading the spoilered-out intrusive thought. I literally went, “how am I reading my own intrusive thought from someone else entirely?”
My comment advice was just what has personal helped me deal with SH ideations. I don’t know a way to stop bigotry. It hurts to be invalidated and othered. I recommend building a stronger emotional buffer, do things that bring you satisfaction. I wouldn’t be able to deal with existing if it wasn’t for my hobbies. I have terrible self-esteem, so i find that doing things that make me feel intelligent, or self-confident, decrease the risk of getting super drained and SHing.
The best thing you can do is find a therapist that specializes with genderqueer people. Also, get a good psychiatrist and start finding the medicine that works for you. Find professionals who value your opinion and give them a good idea of your symptoms.
If you can’t afford healthcare, find see if there are any local lower-income therapists, or look for free resources through the internet like a “self-harm hotline”. Look for lgbtq groups, preferably local but online is good too. Build a safety social safety net.
Please stay safe! I maybe a random person, but to me you are my internet neighbor. I like to see my neighbors in good health.
You will still be able to access !onehundredninetysix@lemmy.blahaj.zone
This made me immediately think of how old American homes in the back of the mirror cabinet of the bathroom just had a slot that fed into the space between the drywall so you could through your razerblades away. Good luck to the renovators in 50 years when they need to remove that drywall and pick up a thousand rusty butterfly-style razerblades. Can’t throw those suckers in a plastic trashbag either cus it’ll cut right through.