My ancient roman friend says it’s a candle holder for different sized candles
My ancient roman friend says it’s a candle holder for different sized candles
I’m a long distance sprinter.
I wouldn’t recommend it for everyone, I’m a glutton for punishment.
Also: I get lapped by people who keep a consistent pace because while I’ve got explosive power, it also involves recovery from the anaerobic sprint. My legs are tree trunks also, another downside.
So overall, as evolution proves, steady wins the race.
Patch 1.2: Added mobile phones to Dreamlands
There used to be punishments for bakers adulterating flour to make profits; medieval communities were so reliant on the bread that the Lords went out of their way to regulate bakeries and ensure high wages for bakers to prevent that from happening (i.e: Adding chalk).
Midnight, motherfucker! Midnight!
Plastic in clothes is bad for you, not just the environment
Microplastics apparently do infiltrate through the skin
We have… done bad things with our world.
I’m in the Top 10% of players in my league, but I’ll never be in the Top 1%.
Why? Because everyone there is either cheating or on something.
Caffeine is legal and not banned by most sporting jurisdictions, so if that’s the only thing you can take to enhance performance – you take it.
With a caffeine addiction, I can skirt Top 6% and lie to myself that I deserve that position.
I live in NYC, and I read this story yesterday, and they didn’t shoot the guy for hopping the turnstile / not paying the $2.90, they chased him and tried to give him a $100-150 fine; but the guy lunged at them with a knife.
The cops panicked and began firing because they don’t have H2H training, and their aim is obviously shit. It’s so shit, that I think they missed their taser shot as well before hitting random people in the crowd with their sidearms.
Not defending the police but the meme’s a gross oversimplification. Those guys need more training and probably a suspension until they finish a full course of training, or a dismissal (or perhaps even up to and including manslaughter charges) depending on if the bystanders live or not.
I wish shit like this wasn’t as common as it is. So many innocent people and dogs die each month due to police incompetence.
How do you post a comment
Is this actually going to post to the site???
I’ve got a 850W power supply, which I bought 2-3 years ago in anticipation of the RTX 4000 series. My usual load with a GTX 1080 was 150W and now my entire system uses 520W completely loaded. Do I count? :)
they live like miserable gods preoccupied with escaping from reality
It’s because they realize something as they age: For all their wealth, they are still mortal, their physical bodies will decline, and their egotistical, narcissistic lifetime will ultimately amount to absolutely nothing as they rot in the ground and cease existing like everyone else.
Mortality puts things into perspective for those people because they’re driven by a philosophical imperative that’s borderline pathological in nature:
Donald Trump watched the video of himself almost getting headshot on repeat, 9 times a day. Some said it was PTSD, but that’s assuming a lot.
Elon Musk is quoted as saying in The Atlantic that he’s “rigged for war”.
Well, what war? War against who? Against what?
"Escaping from the matrix seems like “a war against reality itself”.
We can only be so lucky that none of those fucks will ever attain apotheosis or immortality no matter how hard they try.
Maybe that’s why they’re so bent on destroying the planet – if they can’t have it, so can’t you.
That says , “PHILLIPS DVD+R”
So we’re looking at a 4.7GB model, or just a hair under the tiniest, most incredibly optimized implementation of <INSERT_MODEL_NAME_HERE>
I had this unironically happen in a statistics class.
I visited said professor during office hours, and he goes: “How do you think you did?”
I said: “Statistically speaking given a standard distribution, the probability of me scoring any higher or lower than the mean is unlikely, so I guess give me a C for the course”
He stops and looks and then looks back at the computer: “Because you understand that, I’m giving you an A.”
I’m an AI Developer.
Getting ROCM to work properly is like herding cats.
You need a custom implementation for the specific operating system, the driver version must be locked and compatible, especially with a Workstation / WRX card, the Pro drivers are especially prone to breaking, you need the specific dependencies to be compiled for your variant of HIPBlas, or zLUDA, if that doesn’t work, you need ONNX transition graphs, but then find out PyTorch doesn’t support ONNX unless it’s 1.2.0 which breaks another dependency of X-Transformers, which then breaks because the version of HIPBlas is incompatible with that older version of Python and …
And THEN MAYBE it’ll work at 85% of the speed of CUDA. If it doesn’t crash first due to an arbitrary error such as CUDA_UNIMPEMENTED_FUNCTION_HALF
You get the picture. On Nvidia, it’s click, open, CUDA working? Yes?, done. You don’t spend 120 hours fucking around and recompiling for your specific usecase.
My first Android was an HTC Hero, which was released in ~ October of 2009.
One of the first things I did was swap the location of the Maps and Store icons to make it easier to reach on the edge of the phone.
I recall people complaining that same year that the iPhone 1 couldn’t copy or paste text.
It’s possible to be an anarchist while roleplaying a hardcore fascist in a tabletop RPG. It’s fantasy. Fascism’s best kept as a non-tenable, mockable idea for fiction.
Maybe Mark Anthony was into that slack-jawed gormless look - you never know what causes a career politician to abandon the empire!
Linkin Park - In The End.mp3.exe