You think conspiracy theories in general sound reasonable, don’t you
You think conspiracy theories in general sound reasonable, don’t you
Eh this is a much harder topic than you make it seem. For people like you and me, this may be the best approach to change our minds on things, but we also are the type of people to look at the facts around Musk and already come to the conclusion that he’s a far-right, duplicitous manchild.
The people that flock to him and others like him, however, are not the type to respond to just the facts. They’re invested emotionally into some aspect of what Musk is “selling” them. I don’t know what the correct response is to try and win these people over to reality, but calm, reasoned responses to the monkey throwing its shit around the interview room isn’t how you win over the people on the monkey’s side. They already know he throws his shit around and they like it
It’s not being banned. They’re forcing the US portion of the company to be bought and run by an American company. To the users tiktok will remain, but the Chinese government will no longer have a direct line to the company leadership
Hey cut Musk some slack, average people aren’t actually people
Not enough caps though
The proposals you’ll likely be linking to are an attempt to circumvent the people’s refusal to accept that we’re all the same, by giving additional support to those marginalized groups. Since you can’t force people to not be racist, the next alternative is to try and offset how that racism closes doors off.
Things like affirmative action policies are an imperfect attempt at offsetting facts like how identical resumes, but one with a traditionally black name, will get substantially less offers from a wide variety of companies than the one with a white name. It’s basically a “this is why we can’t have nice things” response to continued racism and people pretending that racism isn’t still a problem.
Well I’ve never heard of a religious person claiming AI could have a soul in the religious sense, and “soul” has other meanings than the religiously literal one, so yes?
“That’s "suppressing theft masquerading as art is awesome” you hear in that comment."
Emphasis mine. The context clues make the intended meaning pretty obvious
Oh buddy come on you can’t actually be misunderstanding how they used “horrible.” They’re not saying it’s bad quality they’re saying it’s bad morally
I’m curious what you mean by soul here, if you’re using it in a metaphorical sense or the religious sense
Ideally? Something like worker cooperatives or similar where profit and decision-making is more democratically spread through businesses.
Realistically? Probably capitalists by another name
Dude honestly sounds proud of being a NIMBY
Is it really that strange when there are vested interests with a lot of influence who work towards cutting funding at any chance they get?
Lol please, no way Musk would accept a recall unless it was severe enough to be forced on him
Minor fyi but it’s spelled bougie
I’m pretty sure that consumer preference is for the monthly fee, else so many companies wouldn’t have moved to no setup fee and amortizing the costs over a period of time.
It’s more that companies have figured out that monthly/subscription fees make them more money than lump sum, even when the product is identical. It’s why we’ve seen things like Microsoft Office 365 replace their previous single-purchase model
I’ve heard so much conflicting shit over this event that I have no idea what to believe
Musk still has legions of fan boys; I’m not terribly surprised the eternally optimistic futurism fan boys have found another company-face to worship
Musk isn’t gonna pay you for all these apologetics you’re making in this post