What kind of monster uses emojis to make an emoticon?
What kind of monster uses emojis to make an emoticon?
logic was fries alone wouldn’t taste like much ^^
Once, out of salt, I put sugar in my fries. It wasn’t bad.
The area isnt the same though.
Don’t they die earlier than average of painful cancers though?
First season was decent. After that they made up a new story so it’s original content.
What do they not understand in “other people spirituality and sexuality is none of your business”?
(source madri.fr)
try a few years break on an mmorpg vs end game content
reminds me of NileGreen who parodies NileRed / NileBlue
ye when’s the day ppl start making fun of chrome too for all the crap they’re pulling
To each their preferences, if people want to play “AAA” games or w/e that’s their choices. If you’re sick of the way they sell though I suggest trying something else, there are plenty of very good games out there that don’t shamelessly take their customers for piggy banks.