Then, what are them? (Legit question)
Then, what are them? (Legit question)
It isn’t an insult when you are actually non-ironically worried that the person might have it.
I have the impression it’s the opposite. The left is becoming more militant to contain the right leaning extremists.
So they’ll stop giving frequent updates to the software huh? That’ll make it easier to pirate.
Good thing they won’t know emulators exist and obcess about it if nobody talks about it.
I’m not american. Why not bring your phone? Around here as long as you have a legion of people pointing cameras at cops they’ll not outright beat you senseless since it’ll be impossible to lie about some bullshit justification about how you did something first.
Heeell yeeeah brother…
What game was it? You tell first.
Traspassing with a car thru an exclusion zone.
So, we should generalize entire groups of people to teach them a lesson. No matter their feelings or the fact that the majority of people in said group are just living their lives. A bunch of bad apples should make and entire group socially responsible.
Got it. 👍
Yes there are too many men who think they live in the 50s and can do whatever they want to woman. If you say ALL men are like that, you’re invalidating the effort of most men trying to be better human beings while being assholes.
If you can’t understand that. You are not looking to make things better, just to throw hate around.