Dont let Trump watch this
Dont let Trump watch this
Actually there are greek numerals, which are basically the greek letters(with some weird additions)
So you can go up to any number you want.
You might be right, though the ears arent floppy.
It kinda looks like a basenji, with relaxed tail. Their tails are usually curled, but when they relax, it can uncurl.
Maybe it is a basenji mix, hence the uncurled tail and kinda off whitebrown colour.
Be aware that basenjis are not normal dogs, they are more like cats. And also there are a billion stray dogs that need companions, no need to breed extra.
Bullets dont create holes. Once inside, they spin and/or deform, causing a lot more damage than a bullet sized hole. Apparently, when your brain is fucked this much, it is over. Of course it doesnt always work perfectly but more often than not, it does. It is by far the most effective way of killing yourself.
The reason death sentences arent done using guns because aiming and shooting at people is hard and has psychological repercussions for the shooters. Even when executions were done by bullet, you had a lot of shooters so that noone had to bare the killing responsibility.
If you dont know how to hang yourself(it’s actually kinda hard), your death will be extremely painful and it will take a long time. Shooting yourself is one of the most effective, immediate and painless ways of killing yourself.
In case you are wondering, this is swedish for “final station”/“terminal”.
Is this map made by a turk? Why are half of the greek islands in Aegean Sea grey? Wtf.
It is only using latin letters and it is 1 to 1 for the most part. But it isnt defined somewhere, there are different variations for some letters and the Greek alphabet is slightly different than the Latin one.
For example the letter Greek letter “χ”(similar sound to English “h”) can be written as “x” or “h”. Χ looks like x but sounds like h, so either works.
It is actually a thing, called greeklish. It used to be more common/popular during the earlier days of computing/internet due to limited support of the Greek alphabet. It remained popular even later on and even today but i feel it is getting less popular nowadays.
Google translate supports greeklish, you can select Greek and type greeklish and it will work.
He is literally jewish. So yeah, the nazis would have loved him.
Wasnt he Princess Dianna’s boyfriend?
This isnt a good argument. For Fox News carbon emissions are irrelevant or good or whatever. But since Taylor Swift is saying she cares about the environment and according to her carbon emissions are bad for the environment, it is hypocritical to use a private jet.
The problem Fox News have with Taylor Swift isnt her carbon emissions, it is her hypocrisy.
Not even a day after, the US leaks Greece will get the F-35. As i said, it was all in the same bundle, Sweden joining NATO, Turkish F-16 and Greek F-35.
Though the article says “Athens expects deliveries of the jets to begin in 2027-2028”. If thats the case, then things are even worse than expected for Turkey.
As a Greek i am happy because there was a low but non 0% chance Turkey would invade Greece and grab a few islands but after the West’s strong reaction to Ukraine and now Greece getting F-35, that chance is now much closer to 0%.
No wonder Erdogan visited Greece recently and was so “friendly”. A big change from the older Erdogan threatening Greece “we might come one night” and “our missiles can reach Athens now”.
I guess that was part of the deal, to show that he is no longer threatening Greece in order to get the F-16 and the American engines and other parts for his “Turkish” stealth plane.
Wait till the US announces that they will sell F-35 to Greece. Greece has already submitted a Letter of Request for a Letter of Acceptance for at least 20 F-35(and an option for another 20). And now that Sweden is in NATO, the US might announce the deal(probably alongside the turkish F-16), but i expect Turkey to REEEEEEEEEE.
I think the most likely scenario is that the US will sell F-35 to Greece but will delay the delivery till after 2030, when in theory Turkey will have its own “domestically” designed stealth jet(or so Turkey claims). This way the balance of power wont change too drastically.
Europe used to have lions, especially southern Europe.
I feel the internet is kinda going overboard with the opposite. Not every ancient relationship between 2 men was sexual and even if it was, bisexualism is a thing too. Say no to bi-erasure.
Iliad literally starts with Achilles arguing with Agamemnon over female slaves(Chryseis and Briseis) and who gets to keep who. And it was because of this, that Achilles refused to participate in the fighting from then on(also because he was OP as fuck and the game devs needed a reason to keep him on the sidelines, kinda like Superman dying in the Justice League).
And it wasnt till Patroclus(Achilles’ friend/boyfriend) took Achilles’ armor in order to help the losing greeks(raise morale thinking Achilles was fighting again) and then died to Hector, that Achilles went on his angry superman killing spree. Here is a rare video of Achilles after Hector killed Patroclus
Also ancient greeks wrote about their potentially sexual relationship but ultimately, this whole story was a myth. This was “ancient history” for the ancient greeks of classical Greece, something that happened almost 1000 years ago. And there was a “dark era” in between Mycenaean Greece(Iliad) and Classical Greece(Athens and Sparta bullshit), that we dont know much about.
History, as we know it(ie the writing down of actual historical facts) only became a thing during Classical Greece. Herodotus, the “father of history”, sometimes was accused by his contemporaries of embellishing his stories, “content brain” was a thing even then.
How often do you use the year when talking about dates? Does your boss say “i need this done by 2023-12-22”? For day to day use, the day is the most relevant info. The year and even the month is often implied.
Cyrillic was literally byzantine propaganda, an effort by the Eastern Roman Empire(aka Byzantine Empire) to culturally assimilate/approach the slavs, in hopes for them to be friendlier to the Empire. Language and religion were the thing back then(and even today), having a similar language and religion made everyone friendlier.
Diplomacy, espionage, bribery, trading and huge ass walls were the strength of the Eastern Roman Empire.