“Fuck serenity. George is here for payback.”
“Fuck serenity. George is here for payback.”
Inside your vagina are two wolves…
I find it to be derivative and banal, because I am very important and sophisticated and everything should always be about me. Look at me being smart on the internet. I’m a very special boy.
I like to Edge by using a defective browser over and over before I open Firefox and climax.
You have to show your intrusive thoughts who’s boss. “MAKE IT A CHAINSAW MOTHERFUCKER!”
We must seize the means of not giving a fuck.
I tied a ROFLcopter to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to make a shitpost cost a cheeseburger, and in those days, cheeseburgers came with pictures of cats on 'em. “I can has cheezburger,” you’d say.
“Tell President Zuckerberg my only regret is that I have but one life to give to block his ads.”
If you can’t handle me at my rude and unreasonable chicken, you don’t deserve my strange juice.
Thou art a grammar Prussian, good sir.
Terrible parenting. If you’re going to go to the trouble of yeeting your baby at least do it properly with a baby trebuchet.
Kissinger’s lifespan is controlled by the agreement he made with Satan.
I remember someone telling me to look at the driver to be reminded it’s a person and not a machine. Honestly, that makes it several orders of magnitude worse. It’s not a car going 20 under in the passing lane during rush hour, it’s a flesh and blood human being causing the car to go 20 under in the passing lane. It’s a choice being made by a human. That’s so, so much worse.
I normally see the value in a dissenting opinion, but not where human rights are concerned.
He’s probably pinin’ for the fXords.
the economyrich people’s yacht money is doing fantastic by every metric.