At the end of the day, the Kremlin is seeing the same info we are and much more that we aren’t. So any kind of certainty that they can’t adapt to problems is just silly.
Venting is fun
At the end of the day, the Kremlin is seeing the same info we are and much more that we aren’t. So any kind of certainty that they can’t adapt to problems is just silly.
They have no fucking idea how modern wars work. Their understanding of battle comes entirely from WW2 larping and video games. Hell, just listen to how they talk about the counteroffensives. They thought Ukraine was going to magically reorganize their decimated military and push all the way to Moscow as if they were the Rohirrim in Lord of the Rings. No thought to logistics, ammunition, nothing.
Anti-Communists only ever rear their heads about the West when a leftist wants to improve society somewhat.
It’s really funny how, if you haven’t been digging into the conflict yourself, the MSM just leaped from “Putin is afraid, Russia will collapse soon, Ukraine is victorius!” to “Ukraine is failing and needs help. Putin will soon invade NATO” without missing a beat.
A lot of conservatives are genuinely stupid so they really can’t tell that they’re essentially on the same side.
At this point, have we actually seen Hamas terrorists? I’ve seen thousands of pictures of the IDF but not a single combatant on the other side.
Good lord, even the Onion starting to see through it.
That would never happen anyway. The Chinese love the guy, and any gripes they have are unrelated to Xinjiang
America, where women are simultaneously controling everything but also are so incompetent just because they’re women. Depending on who you ask of course.
Because what kind of barbarian would force a woman to work? /s
The ironic thing is that NAFO was probably heavily reprimanded for publically doubting the cause.