Two of my cats have secret hiding spots that I can’t find. This is a very small house. I can always find the other two.
That’s it, and it’s fantastic. All his work is so great. It’s the only manga I’ve ever read. This guide is useful for reading order if you’ve never read manga before.
Reading order:
I feel like at least half the men I see have at least a goatee (which I think look terrible) if not a beard (which looks good as long as it’s not a neckbeard). I can’t grow a full beard but sometimes I grow my mustache out for fun. It’s extra fun because it’s orange and people don’t expect that. Not fun for my wife though because my facial hair is extremely stiff and prickly.
I think beards being “in” now has helped a lot of guys with their self image because they don’t like the shape of their face.
It’s true. We are wired to care about like 150 people max.
I wish all these positivity power people who are blessed to be mentally healthy could spend one day inside my ADHD, severely mentally ill brain. They would understand so quickly.
Did you just watch it or did you engage your brain? At surface level it’s not even that bad, but as a movie about trying to deal with mental illness it excels.
Yep. If I couldn’t get it done during another class it wasn’t getting done.
Yeah. I used to do it for free. My wife does it for free. It’s shameful.
Luckily they backed off their stance on those conversations.
This makes no sense at all to me. Are you talking about horseshoe theory?
It does. He doesn’t accept corporate donations. Even on his last presidential campaign the average donation was $27.
What is SJW? I love Sync for Lemmy.
Be the change.
I know the struggle though I can’t get anyone on Signal beyond my wife and one friend.
Even though I haven’t “used” reddit in well over a year, I still put Reddit at the end of some of my searches. It even comes up as a recommendation on Google.
Same for me, but for Sync. I liked it here immediately but when the dev put out Sync for Lemmy like a month later I was so happy.
Just a heads up it’s old.reddit.com. Oh and “quell” - sorry.
If you’ve got 500 you’ll have 5000 in a week if they’re the bad kind.
I used to work as an exterminator. So many people don’t understand that the little brown German cockroaches are the infesting guys. Big American roaches do not infest.
These are the bad guys-
If you see even a single one of the babies you need to take action immediately. Before I knew, about 12 years ago, we saw a group of the babies in our bathtub. Our slumlord told us not to worry, those are just “water bugs”. The new tenants below us brought roaches and bedbugs. The infestation was so bad I have PTSD from it. We couldn’t even eat in our apartment and it took three months to save up enough money to move. Luckily fast food wasn’t nearly as expensive back then, because we couldn’t save money by cooking at home.
When we moved we had to throw away most of our belongings, and we were poor as fuck. They were in the electronics of the microwave.