Are you new to separate taps? I’m assuming you mean one hot one cold. I turn on hot halfway then turn on cold like a quarter of that. Then mess with the cold only from there Hope that helps!
new account of MutilationWave@lemmy.world
Are you new to separate taps? I’m assuming you mean one hot one cold. I turn on hot halfway then turn on cold like a quarter of that. Then mess with the cold only from there Hope that helps!
Much better than screaming into the void of the same stupid jokes and bots on reddit though right?
What’s the line being worshipped in the octagon?
Get a bucket and a mop glass and a towel for the this wet-ass pigeon.
I’m sorry, I hope the PTSD hasn’t screwed you up too bad. It’s definitely one of the reasons for my mental health issues. I went to a Church of Christ. This is the only name allowed for a church in this sect, because Jesus said build the church in my name in the king James version. So anyone who calls a church anything else is obviously going to hell.
They take the book that’s been translated again and again and again, with books added and removed, and say it is the literal word of god because all the translators received divine inspiration. It would be a silly joke if they hadn’t hurt so many people. Almost all my family is dead now. What sect were you in?
The one he’s been using as a human shield lately is literally named X. Somebody called him Xevlar a couple days ago which is pretty funny.
9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.
After my mom divorced my dad, we moved in with her parents because we had no money. The condition was that we had to start going to their extreme, King James Bible is the literal word of god, church. They preached this lesson a lot and it really messed my mom up. Luckily around the time I was 12, and already an atheist, we stopped going.
One of my cats is a 23 pound orange/maine coon/mutt and his biological brother is only 10 pounds. I’m convinced he’s a dwarf Maine coon. This is pretty off topic I just love my boys and like to talk about them.
I have a second set of brothers that are about one year old. The snowshoe patterned one is confirmed by the vet to be mentally impaired. I love him very much. I have a very strange cat group and they are the best.
I read this and spent like a solid minute trying to figure out in what way the human in the photo looked remotely like Mr T. I’m silly dumb sometimes.
Your head is in the right place but isn’t that three words?
Two new to me dinosaurs awesome. What is your opinion on giants that could fucking fly and swallow you alive without even noticing?
Ok so first of all you were right it was a big deal when Coelacanth was rediscovered. Don’t give up so easy, that person is just saying it was a fish not a dinosaur.
You are the funniest motherfucker on the internet today.
“There’s a man in the bathroom and there’s something hard in his pants!”
Yep! Twitter is going to be Weixin. I’ll go to my grave calling it twitter in a pathetic display of disapproval.
This is just the beginning. He’s going to force the government to run through twitter. Then you’ll only be able to pay your bills through twitter. Then your national ID will be authorized through twitter. Then all banking through twitter. It’s coming.
I’m down 100%. Also give them rifles. Now we’re talking.
Maybe it’s because they’re subverting the largest and most powerful democracy in the world. Wait until the real purges start. I bet you won’t be able to dig a hole deep enough to fit your head.
Go back to Reddit asshole.
Just go for a walk, it’ll change your whole outlook - two of my friends right now.