has become
has become
And umbrellas
And what are we doing with all the hate towards them?
The Decission was made long before Fukushima on the 14. 06. 2000. Th plan was to push for renewables and gas (because Schröder and Putin are friends probably). Then the conservatives under Merkel slowed down the transition and extended the runningtime for reactors for 10 to 14 years. Then Fukushima hit and a state elacion was up where the antinuclear greens now polled high. So Merkel axed nuclear energy (as it was planed from the beginning) in hope to get some votes.
Continuning nuclear was never really an optin for the last 20 years. Germany should have build new nuclear powerplants in the last 20 years but now all closed reactors should be closed due to their age anyway and new ones would be to expencive and would take 10 years so the wouldn’t help with the transition.
Yes and no. The og plan was made before Merkel. Merkel slowed the trasition down. But suddently Fukushima hit and the anti nuclear greens had good chances in the upcoming state election. So she closed the powerplans in hope to win an election but the plan was to shut them down anyway but now with less renewables than there should be.
Interaction through a medium is social media i guess. But i wouldn’t call ist that. Lemmy, WhatsApp and YouTube aren’t really social media for me. I don’t throw personal stuff into the void of people i more or less don’t know in hope to get likes.
That’s basicly three songs and it’s not typical for deathcore. Still an awsome band.
You can generate money with a car or a farm. The whole problem with capitalism is getting money without working because you let people work with your stuff. So owning a car and use ist as a taxi is fine with communism. Having a taxi company is not. But you can form a taxi company with others. The difference is no one has financial power over others. No one just profits because he/she is the owner. There are people in charge but they are in charge because they have the knowledge and ability not just because they own everything and can do what they want.
Is it Chatz in Schweizerdeutsch?
Sure it is obvious but now it is part of the scientific discourse. Now it’s not just your opinion, now you have a reliable source to support your opinion.
Railroad is still 100% Bund owned.
🌍👨🚀🔫👨🚀 allways has been.
The zars, Sowjetunion and putins dictatorship. It was allways the elites sharing the countries wealth and not giving a shit about the people.
2016 was a total gamechanger for me musicly. Spotify opend so many genres for me. I listen to so much music it would be an absolute pain in the ass to collect and manage all that music.