Or you just stagger your workforce. Some are off Mondays, some are off Fridays, some can choose a midweek day as their regular day off. It’s not super complicated; managers just don’t want to put any effort into changing this.
Or you just stagger your workforce. Some are off Mondays, some are off Fridays, some can choose a midweek day as their regular day off. It’s not super complicated; managers just don’t want to put any effort into changing this.
By actually being better than their competition and “let the free market decide”? Oh wait, no, that’s just for deregulation.
I was in your situation until about a week ago. It’s such a relief once the bed moves and you get to start sleeping in your new house, but the first few sleeps were not very restful for me. Try to replicate your good sleep situation as best as you can. For me, that means a fan for air flow and white noise, plus blackout curtains to block out both the sunrise and outside noises. I’m assuming you would bring all of your normal bedding stuff.
I think that the best part was waking up in the house and being able to get coffee brewing and breakfast cooking while playing some Ray Lamontagne on the stereo. Do yourself a favor and think of how you want to start your first morning in your house and set yourself up!
Do we know for certain that Brandon isn’t II?
Same. And I’m pretty sure it doesn’t take much more than trying to stop the broken world we inherited from breaking further and encouraging them to explore passions even when we don’t understand them. That’s the level of respect we yearned for and never got, so let’s just try to be who we wanted boomers and gen x to be and I think we’ll all be okay. Ideally we could fix what’s broken, but it always takes longer to clean up a mess than to make one. We just need to be willing to plant trees whose shades we’ll never enjoy.
My first thought when I saw this was that this looked like some Facebook boomer shitposting from like 10-15 years ago, but with kinda recent slang and image subbed in. I’m sure some gen x would unironically be all in on this, but it’s the small percentage of them that are basically just boomers who time traveled. They’re the same people who still like old westerns and rant about how nobody has common sense anymore, which if you think about for more than 5 seconds reveals that whatever they think is common sense must not be “common” sense at all, actually, and perhaps the current “common sense” is stuff that they never learned, like how to clear the cache for a phone app that’s acting up.
I literally knew a girl who said this. She truly had no idea that they were the same thing, but rattled on about wanting it gone while benefiting from it.
I also knew an older woman who hated Obama and said “he’s arrogant for naming that after himself.” She didn’t believe me that her favorite channel was the one who named it after him unofficially and that its official name was ACA.
They truly just repeat bullshit until it sticks, and it usually works on the people who don’t bother to diversify their information sources. It’s so goddamn frustrating.
Anecdotal, but from what I’ve seen from the few stores I know about, they either have a donation program set up where somebody picks stuff up and takes elsewhere (probably homeless shelters and hospitals?) or managers let employees snatch stuff up before it gets to the trash can. Most employees are pretty fucking sick of the food after working there a few months, but neighbors and workers near the location always appreciate a bag full of free goodies once in a while.
Imagine using somebody’s wage as a metric for determining their value, and using low wage specifically like it’s an insult… on lemmy.
Bro, you’ve made it abundantly clear that this place just ain’t for you. Twitter won’t censor your embarrassing beliefs; maybe go there instead.
If anybody came to c/memes for a laugh, it is unfortunately one more step to check the profile of OP to find the real joke here.
Dude has a vendetta against people knowing the potential bias of media sources. Gee, I wonder why that might be 🤔
Yes, Biden clearly showed signs of losing his mental acuity. I didn’t really believe it until I saw it in the past couple of months. But a lot of conservatives weren’t really articulating acuity, they were saying he was too old.
Age in general is a concern to me as well because these old fucks don’t understand how different the world is now compared with 30-50 years ago. Wealth is also a concern to me because wealthy, privileged people haven’t struggled like average Americans have and/or do. Congress needs more people like Katie Porter who understand what it’s like to make difficult home finance decisions and be thankful that there’s even any semblance of choice involved.
Yes, I was fully on board with Sanders in 2016 and 2020. I also liked Warren. One day in the future, maybe Buttigieg or Jeffries. It’s exciting to speculate on all of the rising, younger Democratic stars.
I have my issues with Kamala Harris, but I think that she’s probably the best person to run against trump in 2024 especially with only 3.5 months (which sounds like plenty of time to pick anybody to me, but I’m not qualified to assess that). She’s not my favorite, but I’m more excited about her than I would’ve been for Biden.
My only real concerns for Harris running are what the media spoonfeeds to the gullible masses and what the October surprise will be this time. There’s a part of me that wishes Biden would resign just to take away the talking point of “trump has been president and she hasn’t; is she capable of running the country?” Plus we would already have had a couple months of a woman running the country before the election, so people could see that that’s not an actual thing to be concerned about.
I never said to fall in line. I said to look up bullet points on what Project 2025 is, look up who is for and who is against it, and get to the polls. I didn’t even say who to vote for. Everybody voting will result in the will of the people, and as somebody who likes having a democracy, that’s what I’m advocating for. I have my own opinions about which party is more pro democracy, and it’s probably pretty obvious to anybody who is paying attention to politics, but I was intentionally vague so that people can come to their own conclusions based on “doing their own research”.
But I guess for you, telling people to inform themselves and vote based on factual information makes me an authoritarian. Cool.
For those who struggle with math, that means that Biden is less than 4 years older than trump. The people criticizing Biden’s age and not trump’s as well never actually gave a shit about Biden’s age. Look forward to those same people making up bullshit reasons that Harris is less capable than trump. They know they’re full of shit, but it’s not about making sense, it’s about trying to obfuscate what’s pretty clear so that independents and undecideds give up, get frustrated, get confused, and/or get demotivated so that they either stay home or vote 3rd party. There are only two viable parties in this bullshit first past the post system; one of them wants Project 2025 and one of them doesn’t. Look at bullet points for what that is and then get your ass to the polls. It’s that simple. The only people trying to convince you that it’s not that simple are the ones who don’t want you to look at those bullet points because it’s pretty obvious whether most people are for or against that playbook. It’s damning.
They’re so media illiterate that they missed that. They just like the entrepreneurial enterprise.
I’m pretty sure that’s it! I still have it installed on my phone. Give it a shot and see if it’s helped after like two weeks. I depended on it while I traveled for power plant outages and worked 7 12s per week.
Idk if it still is a thing, but like 8 years ago I used an app that I think was called Sleep For Android. This was before smart watches were a thing, so this was a tool to help monitor my sleep, especially for my weird and irregular work/sleep schedules. There were two awesome features that it had which I highly recommend you find a way to make use of:
I’m hoping this app or something like it is available to you so you can get back on track!
You just shit on Wikipedia in this same thread. Why are you pretending to have changed?
Go ahead and talk about pronouns. Let’s see how banned you can get with your next shit take.
Hey look, another bigot who can’t tell the difference between gender, sex, and the congressional industrial military complex. It must be confusing thinking that non-binary people might be tanks or cruise missiles or whatever. But it gets easier to figure out once you get that high school diploma.
Agreed on every point. It’s possible. Bosses are bloated in that they’re largely ineffective and are more costly to the salary chunk of budget. If they were expected to accomplish things like workers are, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
In reality, we should be implementing 4 8s as full time since study after study has shown that productivity actually increases when executed properly. There is measurable incentive for companies to transition to it.