”On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you think about killing yourself?”
“Uhhh… 3?”
”That’ll be $40”
”On a scale of 1 to 10, how often do you think about killing yourself?”
“Uhhh… 3?”
”That’ll be $40”
Not only that - they’re dying in the street immediately adjacent to vacant luxury condos.
And technical expertise, and the ability to use a computer without accessibility aids, and the notion of what a “format” is so that they can open their kids’ halloween homework assignment without the formatting being completely broken, and the ability to solve computer problems on their own without calling Geek Squad or visiting a Genius Bar…
I agree there’s nothing consistent, but having 3 as a factor in ratios does make things nicer - it lets you stick with integer numbers for more things. I’m not saying it’s better than metric, but I do think having more small factors in ratios is nicer than having only the factors 5 and 2.
Metric is 100% better in every single way, bar none.
Imperial unit ratios tend to have a greater number of smaller factors, which makes fractions nicer. 1yd/3 = 1ft. 1ft/3 = 4in.
I’m in this meme and I’m kind of okay with it.
Such a great movie - Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker had great chemistry.
The US military has 1.4M active-duty personnel. With a turnover rate around 20% per 36 months, that’s about 2.9M cumulative service members from 2001-2021. During that same time period, US forces suffered about 7000 casualties. That’s a fatality rate of 0.24%, which is not that much higher than that of a civilian living in Detroit in the 90s.
That’s $35K, plus free room and board. If you have no loved ones, it’s actually a pretty decent option.
I think the appropriateness of this criticism is highly dependent on subject. You can fit Maxwell’s equations on a sticky note, but most electrical engineering work will be learning how to apply those laws in a practical way. On the other hand, if you’re in an English Literature course and didn’t read the literature your class will be discussing, that’s on you.
Is chocolate milk really that much less healthy than regular 2% milk? AFAICT they are basically the same, with the former having an extra 5g or so of added sugar per 8oz glass. It’s much better for you than, say, apple juice which is almost entirely just sugar.
A moral absolutist would argue that most, or even all, are wrong in one way or another. One can be a moral absolutist without claiming to be able to evaluate the morality of any particular scenario.
To provide an analogous example, there is a two-player game called Hex for which it has been proven that there exists a dominant strategy for the first player, but a generalized winning strategy is unsolved. One can soundly assert that such a strategy exists without knowing what it is. Likewise, its not fundamentally invalid to assert that there exist absolute moral truths without knowing what they are.
the fact that all morals are made up
You’re starting from the basic axiom of moral relativism. A moral absolutist would disagree with this axiom.
If there are no moral truths, then serial killers have done nothing wrong for example
This does not follow from moral relativism. Moral relativism simply states the morality of serial killers is determined by people rather than an absolute truth.
For example, if you add the detail of “serial killer of humans”, most societies would deem that morally wrong. In contrast, “serial killer of wasps” would be considered perfectly fine by many. A moral relativist would say the difference between these two is determined by society.
You can, of course, claim that murdering humans is not morally wrong. A moral absolutist might say “you’re wrong because X”, while a moral relativist might say “I don’t agree because X”.
I wouldn’t be worried. Nuclear waste is fairly easy to detect and carries a unique signature from the reactor that it came from. If an operator starts dumping waste, they’re going to be caught very quickly.
This is a joke: Fun thing: players don’t trust a smooth loading bar. The stutters and pauses show you that the load is ‘biting’. I’ve worked on games where we artificially faked it.
Article: the above is not a joke
Pascal’s little-known friend Luigi’s wager.