Owner of moose.best.
regular stuff
…just going to ignore the ‘horses’ folder?
You see, I have drawn you as the bad egg-layer and myself as the chad good egg-layer, therefore your argument is invalid.
It says 5 moves, which could average 10 seconds or less per move if it’s speed chess sex, so a much more realistic standard.
Canadian here moving back into his parents house next week after being away for 9 years because he can no longer afford to rent a property of any kind in this city. Or rather I should say I can, but combined with student loans, utilities becoming insanely priced, and an only okay paying job (still nearly $10 over min wage), it means I have nothing left over at the end of the month. I haven’t had savings in over a year and just don’t really do anything aside from work since I straight up can’t afford to. On one hand I’m lucky I found a good job near to my parents that uses the skills I currently use at my job and it even pays a bit more, but it feels like I’ve failed at being an adult the same time. At least I’ll be able to save some money and maybe actually enjoy life for once in a while.
We all need a codeine cowboy now and again.
I’m going to take a guess that this sim setup is mainly for IFR or instrument flying. I know some people that do virtual airline stuff and they follow real life as closely as they can, so after taking off its auto-pilot on and using instruments for navigation instead of visual landmarks.
We’re not unreasonable - I mean no one’s gonna eat your eyes.
How many guys does it take? Some group must have attempted this at a fur con room party or something. 2 - 4 would be too few, 5 might be where it starts to be possible but very uncomfortable. I think about the 8 - 10 person range would be the sweet spot. We need our
topswitch scientists researching this at once!