Crushing the enemies of my beloved Emperor. Ending the lives of mutants, heretics, and aliens, one ship at a time.
The emperor protects, heretic.
Crushing the enemies of my beloved Emperor. Ending the lives of mutants, heretics, and aliens, one ship at a time.
The emperor protects, heretic.
Which is similar to my theory of why the industrial revolution took place in the west. High populations in the east meant that labor was always cheaper and more efficient than trying to get compliacted machinery to do the job. It’s why a lot of manufacturing still happens in the east, because machines can’t do everything and the best robot is still a human being with a good jig.
cough helots cough
Ooooo, a fellow Year 0 enthusiast! Hail Satan, brother.
Did you miss an \s?
Ah, a fellow appreciator of the Imperium’s finest bureaucracy.
Yup, gothic armada 2