Fuck are you on about?
There’s no public transportation here. I’d need to drive an hour to the nearest city. In which case I no longer require the public transportation.
Why would I be better than anyone? I’m worse off not better.
I have more money and time because I live rural.
What are you even trying to say ?
Only works if the costs is less. No point driving to station to pay triple what driving would get you and take longer
Well no. I live rural. So rural we don’t have pedestrian walkways or anything.
I’m not anti public transportation. I’m pro pro pro. However trains don’t help rural. Rural get shafted on most things. No broadband no sewage no bin pick up. You have to drive.
I fucking hate driving. I would happily sit on any number of vehicles. It’s just not feasible unfortunately.
The country I currently reside in has no trains. Relies on planes which is beyond infuriating
Does train come pick me up and drop me off again ?
Gotta love dem rural trains.
No I know coke had a big impact but I mean other best haven’t been written down. That’s the most evidenced bit. Maybe I’m just wrong. Seems to happen often.
Merry Christmas
Oh absolutely. Don’t disagree. My original point was the madness that the world follows through with the elves and red Santa sleigh thing. I’ve not researched into when those things started happening. I was just assuming around the 50s after the war. Obviously Xmas has been around in some for a lot of humans existence.
I specifically was thinking about what parents lie to kids about. I’m not sure exactly what that is though.
The red guy was the 50s I think. Before that he was green and I think I bit more st Nicholas. But it’s hard to nail down since there’s likely very few accounts of things. It wasn’t a year where the world came to an agreement on what Santa was and how it should be portrayed. That would have been even more bonkers
The made up elves north pole. Guy in a sled handing out presents is family modern. Yes it goes back to pagan times but that was in a specific country.
Yeah all that is the origins. But the made up capitalism holiday it is now. It’s only been since maybe the 50s and the most modern stuff is only 30 plus years old. Elves and the pretending.
That bit
Religion is a different kettle of fish. It’s pretty loose. Interpretation is a massive part. Why you’ve hundreds of different sects of Christianity. Loads of different ways to pray to worship and even what to do in terms of Christmas holidays and birthdays.
Christmas with Santa is similar with varying degrees. But it’s still got some characteristics throughout. Plus it’s only been what 50/ 60 years. It’s come up fast and lasted.
Was literally saying this yesterday.
At what point did the entire human race collectively agree. We make up a fictional characters that has elves and shit and can space travel with magic reindeer.
It’s not just western world. Other parts just agree to go along with our madness
Do it already
I only found it 2017 so I must have missed all of it
I’m pretty much off reddit entirely. Popped back the other day to ask a question to a sub that doesn’t exist here. I’m on this too much anyway but there little to zero content a lot of the time.
I’m trying to think what it is that I used to comment on in reddit. I can post the exact same articles but it’s the comments that make the feed and the comments are because of the range of people.
Numbers are what make it good and ultimately bad as well. You need users to create the content but then you get too many and it becomes too big.
Gotta be a sweet spot and ai in all it’s magnificence should be able to work it out
I use that but not in Excel spreadsheets app
How’d you change it ?
Yes. We do need infrastructure. Not what your comment said though. Unfortunately there no infrastructure to the nearest village so no chance it’s coming even further out.
What does being on the same transport change ? What are you getting at ? What’s the point in this ?
You don’t think “we” should allow people to love rural?
Who is this “we” why are you deciding for the masses where they should live?
Only farmers are allowed to love rural. Are you perchance a child or something.
I’ve not and I think it is you who is “slightly” out of touch with reality. Maybe check in on that one aye.
More public transportation would benefit all.
Of you actually built proper transportation with hubs that link into more transportation then we could spread out a live more rural.