A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.
So that pen is a wonder of engineering. It’s sublime in its form and function.
American here, yes. To be fair I don’t think about China a lot.
You sip wine and Pabst Blue Ribbon is in a hidden area.
I played it. When you switch to your hand and click on the art pieces it brings up an opaque dark background. This displays a slightly higher res scan of the item, some information about the piece, and a link to information about the art (I think they all goto The Met).
That’s not cheese, that’s a threat!
Doom in an art gallery resonates with me on a spiritual level.
I don’t have much of a choice in the matter.
I don’t get this post.
I find “tree sauce” to be silly. They should use a more mature term like “tree blood”.
I don’t want to go out. If you invite me I might force myself to go out. Going out is probably healthy for me.
Trojan soldiers said the same thing about a big wooden horse outside their walls.
Because I’m fat and ugly. I don’t want to see it and trust me you don’t want to see it either.
This is my favorite Stellaris build.
“How do I talk to my friends and neighbors about Lemmy?” No, literally I could use some one liners. My friends aren’t tech savvy so when I bring up the Fediverse their eyes glaze over.
It’s not healthy for me. We can keep England.
Why are we allowing a yankee carpetbagger to change the name? I don’t remember having a vote.