Very well written and put together. Thanks! None of this is new. But I am still saving your comment as bookmark, because it’s so concise.
i don’t know what you’ve been smoking, but every day is a lifetime of men.
how is it NOT 8? gotta support workers. and workers support workers. also a badger will fuck you up
Wow a true retro misogynist meme. In the spirit of 2005, when this first circulated, let me repeat the same punchline:
“The animals warn predator, if you’re repelled by it, it’s working as intended”
You’re just talking to be correct? Fine, you’re right. Have a peaceful life
That’s beside the point. If you only care about your hygiene because of others, you’re neglecting your own comfort. I’m not wearing deodorant, for example, because I don’t want to. I’m still not smelly in the negative sense (yes I asked), because I take showers regularly - and I take showers regularly because I care about my own body
I don’t agree in the slightest. Because if you care, you won’t do that probably. Self care is not about others, but about yourself, hence “self”. If you only bathe, are gentle, dress… because of others, maybe you have different issues
“Stop worrying what other people think” is bad advice anyway. It’s not like that’s a possibility for people with anxiety. Give concrete advice: self affirmation, reflective writing, journaling positive feedback…
I don’t even want to link a single one, but I felt really successful with starting the short fad of making stock image memes.
Capitalism isn’t broken, you’re right. The misery of 90-95% if society is expected under capitalism. It’s not a sign of capitalism being broken but for it working as intended.
Hm I wonder how that’s possible… You’re really close to understanding how imperialism, colonialism and the war machine works
Why? What does the one thing have to do with the other? There’s always money for war, for bailing out banks, for lobbying… Thus there’s enough money for basic human needs to be met without me working for nothing. It’s a choice whom to give the money to.
But I agree to a certain point: if I don’t need to pay rent, healthcare and education, I don’t need to slave away in jobs that I don’t want.
There’s no such thing as a free market. It’s a myth. I’d rather believe in unicorns.
can i replace “affordable” with “free” please? these are human basic needs. just give it to me.
i mean… i don’t want to sound patronizing, but please read SOMETHING. like anything at all. companies going bankrupt is literally part of the system. if someone wants to push a service or product and has enough resources, companies are set up to be bankrupt and lose money. this is how a big corporation can push competitors off the market: by selling a product under the cost of production. how often have we also seen companies going bankrupt SEVERAL times in their lifespan just to be bailed out?
i love this pedantic but correct statement <3
YES!! more GIFS. that’s amazing.
there should be some more potentially