Yeah, because having a Mexican cartel assassinate the president of the United States’ family members would definitely help to quiet the xenophobic “sending their rapists and murderers” claims /s
Yeah, because having a Mexican cartel assassinate the president of the United States’ family members would definitely help to quiet the xenophobic “sending their rapists and murderers” claims /s
Sure, but this is a little like saying “there is no moral consumption under capitalism, so I choose not to participate in it.” The reality is that the entire society around you is fundamentally built upon something, to the point that only the people who aren’t financially struggling can afford to insulate themselves from it. If someone is financially hurting, telling them “lol just move across town to an apartment that costs 6x as much so you can be near a station and take the train to work” is a fucking deranged suggestion.
Typically speaking, you’d want to cut instead of boost. Cutting is easy; You just reduce the volume. Boosting is much more complicated, because you need to “add” signal where none exists. So boosts tend to be noisy and/or outright distorted, while cuts will maintain a clean audio signal.
Need to boost around 2KHz? Try cutting everything else instead.
Not on my Christian Minecraft server!!!
I’ve used it for basic coding stuff a few times, to great success. Nothing over a few dozen lines, but it’s great when you don’t want to bother looking up the specific functions and syntax for a particular language. For instance, you can have it write basic batch files for you. Then you simply double check it to make sure it’s accurate, (which is much easier than starting from scratch,) and you’re golden.
My guess is another CSAM attack. In case you weren’t aware, there are some bad actors who will occasionally use AI to generate CSAM, then post it on any servers they can find using bots to get things to the /All front page.
And since instances are usually just run by one or two people, response times can be long. Because the instance owner won’t even know anything is wrong until they log on.
Many instances defaulted to disabling image posts to stop attacks in the short term, so the admins can work on scrubbing the existing posts and banning any users that posted it.
I mean, there are sex-averse asexuals. People who are disgusted by the idea of sex. Like it’s just another gross biological function.
They tend to view the relief from sex the same way using the restroom provides relief. And most people don’t enjoy using the restroom; They just enjoy the relief they feel afterwards.
If you’re an artist struggling to get off the ground, one of the best and easiest ways to start making reliable money is to draw smut. If you become known as a smut artist who takes commissions, money comes pouring in left and right.
And if you’re willing/able to do furry art, your rates just quadrupled, because furries will pay lots of money to get their fursona drawn doing various degen things.
Yeah, just a tankie posting tankie things. Go back to your communist-apologist hole and leave the rest of us alone.
I wonder if they’ll accuse me of only watching Fox News because I called them a tankie?
Pretty much. It’s a tankie troll. Only way to solve the problem is to refuse to feed the troll.
Yeah, I used to work a job where I was basically on call for 6 hours at a time, but didn’t need to do much unless something broke. I’d help set things up at the top of the day then tear things down at the end. But in between, I was basically just waiting for things to break. It’s safe to say that I used the fuck out of my gaming laptop and VPN at my desk. Because I obviously didn’t want to try playing games on a company computer.
I played a lot of single player and idle games at that job, because those are easy to walk away from at a moment’s notice. Just hit pause and you can give your full attention to whatever problem has popped up. Then once it’s resolved, you’re right back where you left off.
Open exactly one email. Don’t bother reading it; That would put you into overtime. But you can at least commit to opening the email and waiting for it to load before you clock out for the year.
It’s definitely possible to go three days without taking a shit. I’ve had to do it before. I was a 45 minute drive away from the nearest gas station, and the only available toilet within walking distance was an outhouse that was infested with yellowjackets. By the end of the third day, I was considering digging a new outhouse.
A week or two wouldn’t do anything in the long term. They’d just spend the time breaking strikers’ kneecaps, because they made general strikes illegal so they’d have justification for violently breaking up any attempts.
Nope, self-hosted. So I know it didn’t get bounced off of a spam filter, because I control the spam filters.
There’s also the fact that a bunch of instances immediately closed registration as soon as the Reddit refugees started arriving. They couldn’t handle the sudden extra load, so they all closed their registrations. Which is their right as owners, but it also meant that virtually all the new users were funneled to the instances that were willing to expand, with Lemmy.World being one of the only ones.
Hell, I still haven’t received registration emails for most of the “we’re filtering our registrations. Click the link in your email to verify you aren’t a bot” instances I tried to register with.
Sure, but that wasn’t the question. They asked how to opt out of Intel’s telemetry gathering, since that’s the topic of the article. The article just happens to also mention nvidia and AMD, since they’re competing companies with similar products.
The installer has a checkbox for CIP, which is the data collection tool. Don’t install the CIP, and it won’t collect telemetry.
Yeah, my brother lent my game disc to one of his friends. When that friend returned it, it looked like a cat had clawed all over it. It was so scratched that it wouldn’t read anymore, and the best scratch buffers in the world would’ve been useless.
Turns out, that friend had a known habit of leaving his game discs out on the floor and just walking all over them with his muddy shoes when he wasn’t actively playing them.
Yeah, as long as you exclude media like images, the entirety of Wikipedia can be compressed into hilariously small sizes. The “only current revisions and no talk” version is only 86GB uncompressed, and compresses down to 19GB.
There are even specialized readers that can read the compressed data on a page-by-page basis so you don’t need to decompress the entire thing to browse it.