Truth hurts some but eases others irritation.
Truth hurts some but eases others irritation.
So they are stupid.
Don’t bring a splayd to a spork fight.
Its just another troll. You give them labels like tankie but they are just trolls.
I get woken up for it by idiots wasting a lot of money.
Some kid in Hoboken is gonna set your house on fire with it.
I guess I’m top left. If it has to be that three. I’m pretty sure whoever came up with that needs to show us where IT touched them on the Anatomically Neutral doll.
We are too busy getting shit done to worry about the idiots.
Actual research finds that annual “deaths caused due to lack of insurance” is around 40-50 thousand
Sure you can everyone in france know theirs is the only real language. Don’t believe me? Just ask someone from france.
Yes they are. No matter the intent that is what they are.
The same situation is was when it was conceived. Chris Roberts sucks at finishing a game and releasing it. Fuck him and he should be sued in a class action lawsuit.
Thats right just keep telling yourself that ;)
Look at this someone who thinks you can win an argument on the internet.
I have a two lane road for most of commute every morning. What hate is when you pick up a buttplug. A buttplug is some dipshit who crawls up your ass and refuses to pass. They wont leave enough gap for the person behind them to pass without passing both of us and they wont pass themselves.
What is crazy about this is that person will usually stay there until every car behind them has passed. After that they usually pass almost immediately.
There were a lot of good ones there. Then it enshitified. They started playing favorites and I left.
Its okay really. Funny as hell at the time but none of image links have survived.
A magats whole personality is “stupid asshole”