Mannnn what a pain.
Mannnn what a pain.
Is this office work? Please adopt me
You would have to be super human to work 60 hours a week and actually be productive.
Like maybe if your work was actually legitimately your hobby. Something that you absolutely loved and were addicted to doing. But even then, I can’t even do my hobbies 60 hours a week. That’s legitimately insane.
The only thing I can think of that I could do for 60 hours a week is sleep. But I haven’t been able to do that for years now because of work-life imbalance
Just donated to wikipedia. I’ve used it a ton over the years.
Which one? I feel like there were multiple lol
The only thing I don’t like it stolen artwork/voices/identities being used.
I also don’t like how I have to now hyper analyze everything I see and hear as an additional step to confirm if I’m seeing something legitimate or if it’s someone trying to mislead people.
I think my favorite parts of these tools are translation and simple word editing. Being able to prompt it to assist with various logic problems can also be nice.
So I feel conflicted. I guess like with any tool, it can be used properly or improperly
This seems like a fundamental failure in education systems. People need to be taught how to research and find accurate information for themselves. I know when I was in school, we did that, but I have doubts that it’s being done globally or properly overall.
This just seems like weird censorship/control to me. Unless they can come forward with hard evidence that TikTok is working for the Chinese government.
I just think of all of the actual hateful and concerning websites out there that stay up and nobody blinks an eye.
I’ve never used TikTok and I don’t really like what I’ve seen from it, but a ban seems unnecessary
Something tells me that with a name like Flashes, there’s going to be a lot of flashing on it
All the more reason to leave anything Facebook related.
This kinda thing bothers me. As someone who isn’t familiar with the area, I could easily take a quick glance at that photo and think it was real too.
I love that meme lol
What 2FA do you prefer? I’ve been thinking of looking for an alternative
Was gona say, I wish Zuck would send me even 10k lmao
I never understood that. Nobody is going to want to work with America again in the future. They proved they can’t be trusted. Seemed pretty short-sighted when they’ll eventually need assistance again in the future
The LED headlights being put in are blinding. It didn’t used to be like this. A friend recently got a new vehicle that had them straight from the factory. I don’t understand it. Whenever I’m driving at night, I’m constantly getting blinded. It’s weird
I would assume anything posted to the internet is accessible by AI. Nothing is sacred. I’m sure if your voice or face has been posted online, there’s a chance for it to be used by AI in the future.
I’ve mentioned this before, but my employer is now tracking keyboard inputs, mouse movement+clicks+scroll wheel movement. Additionally, tracking changes of active applications.
Can confirm it causes anxiety and stress.
I hope more studies are done. I think stuff like this is only going to become more commonplace, and I think we need more regulations to prevent toxic work conditions.
I don’t really have much to go off of other than my own experiences, but I don’t think social media caused me more anxiety than normal except for one exception. During the beginning and early years of the pandemic, reddit usage did sometimes cause me more anxiety. Especially when people were hateful/disregarded other people.
Otherwise, the main things that cause me anxiety are a lack of community + a lack of third spaces. Feeling like I have no purpose other than being a cog in a machine/wealth disparity/alienation from my labour. Governments that don’t care for the people they’re supposed to serve. A general feeling of not being able to get ahead in life.
That’s been the major cause of anxiety for me for the past 12 years
I think it really depends on how people are using the internet/ social media. I’m sure we all use it differently, and it might cause more or less anxiety.
The best part of artwork is when you can see an artists personality through their art. Because Ai art is just stolen from other people who have poured their energy into their craft, it completely ruins the point.
It feels cheap. But because of this garbage, it’s also made me appreciate real art so much more.