Alternate tinfoil hat theory: there’s dead ants in our Trix.
Alternate tinfoil hat theory: there’s dead ants in our Trix.
Um. This is just flatly not true. For starters, according to the Chinese government themselves only 23 military personel died. And those casualties only occurred AFTER the peoples liberation army started using live rounds against protesters the evening of June the 3rd 1989. And the 300 number is very conservative. The actual number is likely in the thousands.
You very clearly are either a troll just making things up or you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about
I think the best parallel that could be drawn would be the [Kent State Shootings.] ( given the similarities between the Kent state students’ goals and the Tiananmen students’ goals.
Though even then there were only four fatalities. No where near Tiananmen. Plus the US government isn’t doing anything to try to hide the murders either.
Are you seriously comparing the Tiananmen square massacre where at least 300 peaceful protesters/students were killed by the Chinese military to the Jan 6 riots where there were only two people killed? (Technically there were 5 deaths but three of them were either overdoses or natural causes). One was a cop killed by the rioters and another was a lady warned several times that she was going to be shot if she continued to break into the capital building.
These are not even remotely similar situations.
And the Lord said unto the as he slid the tablet slyly to Moses “This one, this one’s for you wink wink”
Tootie fruities are just flat out better tha Froot Loops. Fight me.
So like what about all the casino and poker video games released for PS2, Wii, Xbox, GameCube, and every system since 2003 that pegi has accross the board given 3+ ratings to? I think world series of poker would be more of a “Gambling” game than Belatro.
I cannot imagine being so insecure with your manness that you feel the need to protest a razor commercial asking you to be a better dude.
I’ve been afflicted with Manhood my whole life. And razor ads asking me to be better doesn’t threaten me. In fact, they’re right, I can be a better man. I should go do the dishes; just after I feel better. This debilitating minor cold is getting me real down.
The first 💥 was an acorn hitting the car.
Could only improve things honestly.
I like the idea of pirating my gender. Sounds like I pilfered someone’s penis. Which is just an objectively fun sentence to say.
This doesn’t make any sense at all. All headphones are analog regardless of what their cable is and cable type makes no difference when it comes to sound quality. And there certainly isn’t some kind of limitation inherent to usb. Unless you’re plugging your headphones directly into some hifi vinyl record setup your signal is going to start out as digital and will have to be converted to an analog signal with a DAC. Plugging into a 3.5mm headphone jack just means you’re using the DAC built into that device. Plugging into a USB port just means the headphones you’re using need to have that DAC built in (likely into the cable itself). Not only that but there’s a high degree of likelyhood that the DAC built into your USB headphones would be made of better components than the one attached to whatever 3.5mm jack you’re plugging into. Though it’s not super likely that a higher quality DAC would affect sound quality all that much if at all. Basically any DAC you’re likely to run a signal through is fully capable of playing full quality lossless audio. Though a better DAC would at least make noise from interference less likely.
You’re very right. How I remember it is that their names are sorta backwards. Alligators have snouts shaped like a C and crocodiles have snouts shaped like an A.
Well, it’s a little more complex than that. he’s the good guy in macro scale. (if you believe his own presciece. Which is admittedly dubious due to the obvious conflict of interest. But Paul shows on numerous occasions that he can indeed see the future.) everything Paul did (and by extension everything Leto II did) was to guarantee humanity’s survival as a species. Paul essentially sacrificed billions of lives across the empire in order to ensure humanity wouldn’t go extinct. That being said he is definitely not the good guy to the Fremen. He and Leto II fucked that group of people over big time.
Yeah, I mean, if someone politely asked another person to stop calling them some phrase or another and they refused they’re definitely an asshole. No doubt about it.
In the same token though if someone gets rude and indignant over someone calling them dude one time that person is also an asshole.
We should be treating people with respect. Period.
If someone were to take offense to me calling them dude I would absolutely make every effort to stop the behavior. I would never want anyone to feel invalidated over something like that.
That being said I feel like this whole outrage is manufactured to rile people up. I highly doubt many people are getting worked up over it. Dude has very much become a gender neutral term and is even now just used as an exclamation. I’d be willing to bet a large portion, if not the large majority, of the trans community doesn’t give a fuck about the term and they probably use it themselves.
I never understood this whole thing anyway. The whole reason womens sports exist separately from mens sports in the first place is because women can’t (usually) compete with the men. If there was a female athlete playing basketball for example that was way better than any other female player in the sport and that woman was able to be successfully competitive in the mens league in my eyes she should just compete with the men. If she cant really compete in the mens league she should play with the women. To my understanding there’s nothing stopping a female athlete from being in the ‘mens’ league if she were good enough. This doesn’t even have to be about gender. It just feels like you could look at every situation on a case by case basis and make a common sense determination based upon what works best for that particular athlete. I hate that this has become a stupid argument.