Unless you want to run a country
Unless you want to run a country
It really doesn’t matter at all. You’re quitting. You already have a new job lined up. You will never interact with these people again. Nobody asks for references outside of minimum wage positions unless they’re a small shop.
Naw that’s the lie they want you to believe. Tell your manager to fuck off; you’ll never see them again.
It’s just easier if government stay out of religion. Don’t promote any of them. No Christmas trees, no menorah’s. Let people celebrate how ever they want.
Fine art is valued for taxation and insurance purposes
Renting (at sane rates that allow saving up a down payment) is a pathway to ownership.
As opposed to what? You’re either living with somebody for free or you’re homeless if not currently renting or owning.
Should have laughed if this was a corporate device. They ignored the continuous popups for too long and was forced into compliance at an inconvenient time because they couldn’t be bothered to reboot at the end of the day for likely 2 weeks.
It’d be even weirder if it happened while parked
She’s not divorced yet, so an adulterer as well.
They don’t arbitrarily hand those things out… Don’t drink and drive and it’s not a problem.
my owning a few houses is totally the reason your city that I don’t live in won’t build new housing to meet demand
You’re literally buying the supply and creating a demand by owning more than you can personally use.
I’d argue Youtube was better when creators weren’t paid and people were just having genuine fun. The internet used to be free and filled with content by people with passion. Much like users and the current state of the fediverse.
Most of these Chromebooks are 3-4 years old and in really rough shape. Kids use these things for literally everything. You likely wouldn’t even want them for free. Probably bio-waste at this point.
She outputs more emissions by nearly double compared to the second place