Nope! It just inexplicably sucks
Nope! It just inexplicably sucks
I like how your pronouns are “equipped”. Got you a pocket full of pronouns. DOn’t you drop them, or nobody will be allowed to talk about you!
It’s fiiine, I thought it was funny and also possibly true
Anecdotally, and perhaps ironically, they were right, I am dyslexic, and I definitely do perceive letters as permuted quite often. The second link really chuffs me because it’s clearly a non-dyslexic person openly speculating as if they’re authoritative, but this theory of “3d processing” words jives with neither other literature about dyslexia, nor my own experience. I’m pretty sure this is just someone showerthinking about a disorder. The errors I make are pretty incompatible with seeing whole words from the wrong “angle”; letters are switched, sometimes even between adjacent words (I might see “angle” as “angel”, or “and rain” as “an drain”), similar graphs are misread as each other (the classic example is [b / d / p / q], sometimes also g depending on font; [w / m / E], [e / a], [T / L], so on), words can be entirely displaced elsewhere in a sentence…
So yes, like, I definitely do see some letters backwards or upside down or mirrored, etc.
No AI generated content; there’s a pinned thread of rules, but i’ve noticed it doesn’t show up for other instances.
Is that an actual rule? I don’t see it anywhere, but maybe I missed something
I’m not them, for the record. But personally, I turned browser spellcheck off years ago; I have a lot of fantasy/scifi hobbies, and it often highlighted words that are correct but not in a dictionary, which was annoying, so I just shut it off. And also because it doesn’t really matter, from a linguistic point of view; the purpose of language is to be understood, so as long as a typo doesn’t detract from my meaning, I don’t care. It’d be different if I was writing a business email, but I’m not, I’m shitposting on reddit, so who gives a fuck?
You can make a bulleted list by just starting each line with an asterisk (*)
Fuck off, no you weren’t.
People who want to engage in discussion don’t find a flimsy, meaningless excuse to hurl insults instead. Be less transparent before you try to troll, please.
The headset even says “Mac User” a few seconds before this.
Yo, I came here to post this, I’m using his cursors right now (with the optional middle-finger addon)
Around here we call them “bootleg trails”
Trueee. Just today I cooked a steak at 130 for 24 hours, and it was incredible (but since it was a blade, the connective tissue was still pretty tough, so I’m gonna try the other one from the pack at a higher temp to break it down)
Look up sous vide cooking times, those people are obsessed with finding the minimum amount of time to cook any given thing at any given temperature. “If you’re willing to cook your chicken for 4 hours, you can cook at 130 F. I don’t recommend it, because it has the texture of raw chicken, but you can.”
Radiate, recognize one silent call