with the use of commercially available tools and without requiring the use of specialised tools
It’s contradictory, what about commercially available specialized tools? Who defines what’s specialized and not?
with the use of commercially available tools and without requiring the use of specialised tools
It’s contradictory, what about commercially available specialized tools? Who defines what’s specialized and not?
what phone?
I mean pretty much all batteries even now are user replaceable, it just depends on skill of the user, but I know they mention EASILY replacable, so I am very curious about their definition of “easily” since it means something different for everyone.
it’s fragmentated but that’s how federation works
I would see solution in third party app where you subscribe to communities and if they share same name like Technology then app will merge them together and also remove duplicate posts
Squabbles has unrestricted sign up, but from what I see it’s becoming Reddit very fast, just same intolerant hivemind already calling for downvotes so they can downvote inconvenient opinions despite they are presented in civil way and don’t break rules, so might as well stay on Reddit for same experience
Honor 10 with some old rooted Lineage Android 8.1 without gapps, wife has Xiaomi Mix 2s running some old Xiaomi.eu I think Android 9 with gapps (plus she has company S20 FE with official ROM), actually upgrading to new phone would bring pretty much zero benefits to my daily life besides having better camera
couldn’t be bothered to upgrade to newer one, it’s available for wife’s one, but there is no point, if it wouldn’t improve her life at all, as for me I would need to go to EMUI to have slightly newer Android but I will rather have clean Android, anyway looking for years for replacement compact phone with decent camera (4a seemed great but asymetrical punch hole and crap battery and all other pixels had either this problem or they are too big already, zenfones unreliable hardware without software support), currently Xiaomi 12 seems like best option for 400EUR
The evil is always in details, thats why with their Incandescent light bulb ban, these are now sold as heating devices/lamps, so much for their bans/rules. That’s why I pointed out commercially available tools can be at same time specialized tools, they should rather mention something like it must be tools owned by 50% households according stats and do simple survey about screwdrivers.