It still does. They try to turn everything good into a slur to devalue it. I’m woke and I’m fucking proud.
Yum. I loved those. That deep, bitter sweet flavour of the molasses. I loved those.
I love those things. The old style dark one that were very firm. Yum.
Hehehe. Yes.
I had someone say, “Go back and play with your Legos!”
“It’s , ‘Lego bricks.’”
The very best is when some fucking loser goes back through your comment history and says, “Oh ya, well…” and brings up something you wrote months ago to try to embarrass you into silence. Fuck those pathetic fucking losers.
I was at Defcon a few years ago in Las Vegas while the roller derby girls were in town. Fun times.
Ducks are delicious and eat the way you describe. If I eat ducks I’m eating those things once removed and enjoying it, too.
Because that’s how science works? Cats are obligate carnivores. They require a diet of meat. If you are insisting that a diet without meat can satisfy the needs of an obligate carnivores then it is up to you to prove that it is with a large, well designed study that is published, peer reviewed, and repeatable.
That is what the admin was saying. You can’t use the claims in a book written by a vegan activist who was confirming his own bias at proof. That isn’t proof. It isn’t up to science to prove you wrong. Itis up to you to prove you right.
I only care if I respect the person saying it and their opinion. In your case, not in the slightest. Carry on.
I thought you were going to block all of my accounts? I even set about the process of logging out to each one and replying, “This one!” from each then got bored or distracted and didn’t do it. I kind of liked the idea since you seemed to need a safe space and you could create it for yourself.
“My extremist beliefs say I shouldn’t own a cat. Cool. My extremist beliefs say that you shouldn’t own a cat. Fuck off.”
Show me “corpse muncher” and “blood mouth”.
“Carnist” was co-opted by vegan extremists and is sneered through clenched teeth as an slur at anyone who doesn’t agree with them by those extremists just as “woke” and “progressive” are sneered by right wing extremists at anyone who doesn’t fully embrace the Project 2025 vision of a Handmaid’s Tale version of the United States, “terf” is sneered by trans extremists at anyone who doesn’t agree that you can magically change your sex by changing your gender, and the n-word has been sneered by racist extremists for centuries at anyone they see as racially impure.
Extremists are all the same.
So, show me “corpse muncher” and “blood mouth” or we’re done here
Definitions made up by vegan extremists. Carnist, corpse munched, and blood mouth, sneered through clenched teeth are a dead giveaway that you’re dealing with a lunatic extremist.
This is why the hammer got lowered on the community. It isn’t up to anyone to prove that vegan cat food is acceptable. Provide peer reviewed scientific studies published in reputable journals to demonstrate that it is.
Before this the mods at c/vegan had iron fisted control over what ideas were acceptable in their echo bunker. They actively promoted pseudo-scientific propaganda that supported their self-assured ideological moral purity and banned anyone who question the misinformation or posted peer reviewed science that contradicted the misinformation. Their echo bunker has been blown open, their lies and ideological censorship are on full display, and like insects exposed when their rock is lifted they are scurrying around trying to find somewhere ideologically dark and safe to hide.
Like the words, “woke” and, “terf” the word, “carnist” identifies the non-ironic user as an ideological extremist. It isn’t vegans who get a lot of hate, it is vegan extremists. I love my vegan friends and bend over backwards to accommodate them. People who use the word, “carnist” can choke on a horse dick.
The admins at c/vegan ban anyone who speaks inconvenient truth into their echo bunker. I am proudly banned for arguing for the ethical treatment of obligate carnivores (long before this latest explosion of misinformation and the promotion of animal abuse.)
MAGA is so busy virtue signaling, trying to hurt people, and making sure that the wealthy people who own the oil companies, energy companies, and car companies continue to get wealthier the rest of the world is going to be building clean, reliable, renewable energy and electric vehicles.
The US has already lost.