Yeah, I’m a woman in my thirties and I’ve played (on PC and console!) since I was five years old… learned a very, very long time ago that most people online would assume I was male and that it is often prudent not to correct them. So I don’t. Twenty years of conditioning telling me to keep my head down. Now that I think about it, that’s pretty sad.
I hope young girls nowadays feel more comfortable being open about their interests. Maybe I should be more open myself; I can take the hits if it makes things even a little bit easier for them.
Today, I’ve spent all the time I would ordinarily waste on reddit trying to figure out Lemmy instead. It’s been fun! Honestly refreshing.
When Twitter seemed like it was going to suddenly implode last November (as opposed to the slow, slow death it opted for instead), I tried to hop onto Mastodon along with everyone else. My experience was bad. It was too slow. Too slow to use. Lemmy has been a great experience in comparison.