I mean, this is less than surprising. Common media in Russia tell Russian people lies forged by the Cremlin, why shouldn’t textbooks? It’s perfectly logic from the Cremlin’s perspective. Despicable, but logic.
Cavaliere senza macchia, ma con un po’ di paura || 1991-? || He/Him || Mi piacciono i libri, i fumetti, i videogiochi, i film e le serie TV. Praticamente tutto quello che racconta una storia. OSMapper & Wikipedian
I mean, this is less than surprising. Common media in Russia tell Russian people lies forged by the Cremlin, why shouldn’t textbooks? It’s perfectly logic from the Cremlin’s perspective. Despicable, but logic.
I’ve found out that even in Wordpress is opt-out
Not sure if this is a way to diminish critics or have property to sell to fund the army.
Privacy: trackers, trackers, trackers Security: you can’t know where you would be taken with a short link. A legit website? A malicious website? Who knows.
I heard this for the first time too, but it looks like they’re right https://web.archive.org/web/20191223181612/https://leafandcore.com/2016/09/03/brave-is-a-browser-that-could-save-the-web-but-its-from-an-awful-person/
According to Italian newspapers, the system to prevent the collapse of the Garisenda will be similar (if not the same) used for the tower of Pisa.