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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2020


  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldThe millennial council
    8 months ago

    Your life is a meme and you have forgotten how to communicate without them.

    You know nothing about me. Why are you raving like a lunatic?

    No, and just writing pithy things doesn’t make them true.

    You’ve gotten mad about the gender thing now in our short correspondence. I think you are just looking for a fight.

    assuming my gender

    I don’t know what group of “shitbags” you’re referring to but you sound like an angry old man.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldThe millennial council
    8 months ago

    For you maybe, for me that’s fighting words.

    Then you are the source of most of your frustration.

    You think shit’s bad for you now?

    I didnt say anything about anything.

    If you’re brave enough come to my sub and reply to what I’m about to post.

    Lol okay tough guy.

    Chillout this is a meme thread. No one is talking shit about Boomers, Gen X, Millenials or Zoomers. It’s a comically inoffensive meme.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    11 months ago

    What? Because orthodox is the one true version of Christianity.

    Yes exactly. It is the one true church of apostolic origin and is over 2000 years old. It is the supreme authority on the interpretation of text. When you read about the Pentecost Christ ascends into heaven and leaves the apostles in charge of his body (e.g. the church). The patriarchs of the Orthodox church can trace their episcopate origins back to those very same apostles. You can look it up.

    Of course it is poor exegesis, I started with “If we take it literally”.

    You don’t have the historical, theological, philosophical, anthropological or linguistic expertise to begin to properly exegete the text. You and many others are simply taking a modern perspective and forcing it onto a document that was a contemporary of Nero. Since the days of Christ Church Fathers have spent their lives reading, translating and exegeting texts. Misinterpretation isn’t just a problem with those outside the faith but also heterodox Protestants and to a lesser extent Catholics. Mormons think they have the right interpretation for example. People don’t realize that there is and always has been a final authority on the scriptures and it’s the Orthodox church and it’s traditions. You can read the canons from early synods and ecumenical councils if you want to see what I mean.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    11 months ago

    Where are you getting that from?

    Luke 20:45-47 Beware of the Scribes 45 Then, in the hearing of all the people, He said to His disciples, 46 “Beware of the scribes, who desire to go around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces, the best seats in the synagogues, and the best places at feasts, 47 who devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. These will receive greater condemnation.”

    If we take it literally, I see two options:

    Poor exegesis incoming… I recommend getting an Orthodox Study Bible and reading the footnotes that follow along with each verse. The interpretation from the Church isn’t isolated to scripture but includes church tradition and the analysis of the Church Fathers.

    The short version, however, is that the “money changing” was an exploitative racket the Pharisees used to enrich themselves.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    11 months ago

    I think I agree on the first part Mamon represents a personification of wealth/greed which a Priest might say is really just another way of saying a love of self (e.g. pride). A message in this parable is “to whom much is given much will be required”. As well as the “a man cannot serve two masters” bit.

    Jesus existed. He’s perhaps the most documented pre-modern figure.

    Romans crucified serious offenders. That includes the categories you provided as well as thieves, murderers etc

    The Pharisees brought Christ to the Romans because they considered him a heretic and demanded his execution. Pontius Pilate found no fault in him and offered Barrabas instead. The Pharisees rejected Barrabas and Pilate, fearing rebellion, granted their wish and washed his hands of it all. While the Romans crucified Christ the Pharisees were his accusers.

  • Manmoth@lemmy.mltomemes@lemmy.worldGolden rule
    11 months ago

    Everything about this is theologically incorrect.

    We live with the consequences of Adam’s sin (death) which is a mercy because it means we can become sanctified and enter the kingdom of God instead of being eternally fallen. God loves you but hates your sin. God does not torture you. The experience of God is heaven for those that are sanctified but hell for those that are not. A poor analogy would be that a football game is the same for everyone but only those for a certain team are happy with the outcome. (Just to give an idea of how a shared experience can be different for different people) Finally Christ didn’t ask anyone to execute him but he knew they would. He lived a perfect, sinless life. His death allowed him to enter hades and conquer death thereby freeing man from the damnation of sin and grafting all of mankind into the new covenant which allowed all to be saved through Christ.