Yeah nan im good, freetube was good but not that good
Yeah nan im good, freetube was good but not that good
my gf is slowly teaching me coding, by the time i can actually do so more proficiently i can probably submit a request (they likely remove again) and still be faster than they are
and i dont owe them a submission either for a feature they themselves have promised and assured would be ready over a year ago and quietly removing it from the priority list?
they should just say they cant do it than
and im here on lemmy cause a. githubs ui is kinda ass (imo) and b. they cant just remove even any bout of criticism or genuine questions they dont like
We both know barely a single person this is referring to even knows what a browser is
But the moment a fan kinda whistles a pokemon a little its lawyer time
Internet is Clearly CNET isnt
Ads are but a few sheckles nowadays or we wouldnt have sponors merch and every other cash revenues for even the most mildly “successfull” creators
Perhaps you are also forgetting YouTube puts ads on videos now regardless if the creator has the abiity to do that
10 years ago, ads may have been the main source for creators
Edit: cant forget em3 ads back to back or some.people haveeven seen 10 back to back, no creator is good enough to deserve that kind of torture to sift through as a viewer
Installing ublock origins and sponsorblock is not jumping through hoops
And Google.with its basically infinite money should name it worthwhile to be paid for. But YouTube premium is garbage
Whats with all the Mlp shit in this one
Im no expert but im pretty sure i can gather as much cause, you know, they are fucking sanctions, thats what they are supposed to do
Say Sikes right now Please
As a reminder, shego has a degree in child developement Thus in a way, she mom potential Toxic mom that is
Man yall really showed spez by using and giving his site traffic!
Does it tho? Just because thats how it happens most the time doesnt mean that has to be the stays quo
hopefully but we saw this shit before chrome too, remember what happened with internet explorer?
as the saying goes, hopes dies last
if this becomes actually widely used ill just quit the internet altogether, cause fuuuuuuuck that
The longer the title the more you know its gonna be hot garbage not worth your time
Yall should use his name so this annoying shit can be properly blocked