You are still giving them traffic, just not directly.
You are still giving them traffic, just not directly.
I have a dual boot with High Sierra and Monterey. I went first for Monterey but my Terascale 1 GPU was causing the screen to flicker constantly and would not work with a second monitor. For some reason High Sierra was more stable. Then two weeks ago OCLP released another root patch which fixed all the problems of the Terascale 1 GPU and now they both work fine so I will probably upgrade Monterey to Ventura later this week.
I am both. I have MacOS on MacMini (late 2018) and MacOS with OCLP on MacPRO (early 2008).
I run everything I can through FreshRSS and for those that I do not have time to read I add the links to ArchiveBox just in case they disappear (they sometimes do).
I currently only use Meta products for marketing and because other people I know use it most.
I work with VMs mostly, so I go for Veeam B&R. The free tier allows you to backup 10 VMs or machines.